Chapter 7

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I gasped. 

Keefe and I were in the middle of telling Ro about our situation when it hit me. I don't why I hadn't thought of it before. 

Both Keefe and Ro looked at me. Keefe and I were sitting side by side on his bed and he had his arm around my waist, keeping me close. Ro was pacing the rest of the room, absorbing our confusing story. 

"What is it, love?" 

I blushed slightly at the nickname. Even though he had been calling me that for years, it still never failed to make my heart race. It also never failed to make Keefe smirk at the sudden change in my mood. I cleared my thoughts and focused.

"I can't believe we've been so stupid! How did we not think of it right away?"

"You've got to be a bit more specific than that, Foster." Keefe said patiently.

"Right. Well, do you remember when we first admitted our feelings to one another?"

"Of cour-" Keefe started to say before his eyes dawned with recognition and he sharply took in a breath. I could practically see the lightbulb above his head. His eyes locked onto mine. I knew he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"The future." he whispered. I nodded.

"Would someone care to explain?" Ro said, sounding irritated. 

"We got together because we went to the future." Keefe said, still quiet, but loud enough that Ro could hear. 

"What?" Ro asked, a bewildered expression flashing across her face. 

"But wait. I'm confused. Why are we here? I thought this only affected past Sophie and Keefe."

"I guess we kind of swapped places, but didn't know it since, the last time this happened, we were on the other side of it." I said. Keefe only nodded, trying to wrap his head around it. I leaned over, kissing his cheek and then laying my head on his shoulder. His arm tightened around my waist. 

"Okay, I think I mostly understand. Tell me if I get anything wrong. So you and Lord Hunkyhair over there went into the future when you were 15, or, more specifically, now. And this somehow caused you to get closer."

"Actually, it caused us to start dating." Keefe spoke up, turning his head to give me a loving look. I melted. He smirked. 

"Eh, whatever. I was close enough. Anyways, that happened, but you didn't realize that, when you were sent to the future, the future versions of you guys were sent into the past. Did I get everything?"

"I think that pretty much sums it up." I responded.

"So, now that no one's confused, I have some questions, starting with something Keefe said earlier." Ro stated, a gleam in her eyes. That was never good. Keefe groaned. 

"You said something about a kid... or, more specifically, kids...." she said, grinning like a maniac.

"Yes, Ro, we have kids. And yes, we did go through the process of creating them." Keefe stated with a bored look on his face. I had a faint blush coloring my cheeks, which wasn't out of the ordinary. I also vaguely remembered a somewhat similar conversation with Biana when I went to the future so long ago. Although, I did blush a lot more during that chat than this one. 

Keefe poked my side with the hand and fingers that were already wrapped around me. I looked up at his face and he was wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, most likely reacting to my emotions. I shoved him playfully and he chuckled. He pulled me back to his side and turned my chin towards him with his index and middle fingers. He leaned down and I leaned up, our lips connecting. I sighed in contentment. Kissing Keefe never got any less satisfactory. If anything, I seemed to enjoy it more every time. And every time made me love him that much more. Kissing Keefe was also nothing like kissing Dex, or even Fitz. Trust me, I'd kissed both. I had kissed Fitz for the same reason that I'd kissed Dex: to make sure there was no spark. And there wasn't. But, with Keefe, there was so much more than a spark. It was like a fire burning deep inside of me. (Warning: I have literally never kissed anyone before, so I am making this up as I go based on experience with things in other books or movies lol)  And, now that we were older and connected in another way, the fire was ten times more powerful. There was an intimacy between us that I'd never experienced with anyone else. I loved him with all of my being and, even without being an empath, I knew he felt the same way. 

We finally broke apart when Ro cleared her throat. I smiled sheepishly at her. As much as she shipped us, I knew she could only take so much before it became too lovey-dovey for her. 

"Please tell me you two can go back to your time soon."

"Sorry, Ro, but we don't know when we're going back. I'm assuming we're going to have to wait until past- er- this Sophie and Keefe are ready. How long were we in the future again, Keefe?"

"I can't remember exactly, sweetheart, but it can't have been more than 2 weeks."

"Seriously? I'm stuck with both of you and your icky love for the next 2 weeks?" Ro complained.

"Basically, except that Keefe said less than 2 weeks."

"This is going to be torture!"

"Maybe for you. I get to have some alone time with my wife and not have to worry about our kids. I call that the very opposite of torture." Keefe said, smirking. 

"You do realize that, in this time period, we don't live together, right? This isn't vacation, Keefe. We have to do our best to act like we normally would at 15. And, at 15, we weren't dating. So that means no kissing, no hand-holding, nothing like that. In public, of course. It also means we probably shouldn't hang out too much. Edaline probably already thinks I've gone insane by how I reacted this morning." I said and Keefe's face fell. 

"Hey." I said, holding his face between my hands. "I love you. It's going to be okay. We'll be back home and with the kids in no time."

"But I don't want to be with our kids." Keefe said, using his pouting face. I laughed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still laughing. 

"I just want to be with you." he whined, wrapping his arms around my stomach and burying his face in my shoulder and hair. 

"Aww, me too Keefe. But I am starting to miss all the noise. And that little kicker." I say, motioning to my stomach. 

"Wait. You're pregnant?" Ro asked, almost shouting. Both Keefe and I jumped, forgetting Ro was even there. 

"Yep." I answered after I recovered from my shock. Ro started grinning again. 

After a second, I realized that Keefe had moved a good 3 feet away from me. Did I smell bad or something? I looked at Ro and her grin was gone. Both her and Keefe were looking at something behind me. Slowly, I turned around. In the doorway stood Lord Cassius. This was not good. How much did he hear?

"The moonlark is pregnant?"

Guess that answered my question. 

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