Chapter 19

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I exchanged a panicked glance with Keefe. Both of us seeming to be thinking along the same lines, we started to laugh nervously. 

"I know, the last one's silly, but I thought it might get a laugh out of the two of you." Elwin chuckled. "Not saying it's not still a theory, but it was more of a vastly unlikely one." he added as an after-thought. I let out out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

"So that leaves the other two." Grady said slowly. 

"Yes." Elwin replied. "Now, I have a couple of questions to ask Keefe and Sophie. Would it be alright if I asked you both to step into the hallway for the moment?" Elwin asked Edaline and Grady. 

Edaline nodded and dragged Grady outside, but not before he could shoot Keefe another glare. 

Once the door had closed, Elwin turned to look at us. 

"Now, this might be uncomfortable, but I need both of you to answer honestly. Can you do that for me?" Elwin questioned. 

Keefe and I exchanged a nervous glance before both nodding. 

"Have you had any sexual interaction with each other?"

"What? No!" I sputtered, quickly turning red and crossing my arms over my chest defensively.

When I turned to look at Keefe, though, he was smirking. He seemed to have a look on his face that said "you liar". I shook my head and gave him a glare, trying to communicate that we needed to act innocent. 

"No. We haven't." Keefe finally replied. 

"Sophie, have you had sexual interaction with anyone else?" 

"No!" I practically yelled, my face turning an even deeper shade of red.  

"You better not have." Keefe muttered darkly under his breath so only I could hear him. 

"Not even Fitz?" Elwin asked. 

"Of course not!" 

I buried my face in my hands and Keefe discretely moved his hand to rub my back. 

"I'm sorry, Sophie. I just needed to be sure that it was the second option and not the first." he explained. 

"It's okay." I mumbled, my face still covered by my hands.

"I'm going to inform your parents." Elwin said, the sound of his footsteps filling the Healing Center. 

Once the door had both opened and closed, signaling that Elwin was out in the hallway with Grady and Edaline, I lifted my face from hands. 

Keefe came to sat next to me on my cot. I leaned into him and turned my face to the side to look up at him. He chuckled. 

"You are such a liar." he said, still laughing. 

"Well, I wasn't going to tell him yes! If I said that, I might as well have told him that we have three, about to be four, kids! And my younger self was still a virgin, thank you very much. Remember we waited until we were married?" I replied defensively.

"I know." Keefe laughed. "I was just teasing."

I rolled my eyes fondly and smacked his arm. 

"Oh, the pain!" he said, feigning agony. 

"Oh shut up." I smiled. 

"Make me." he said, smirking. 

"Normally, I would, but Elwin and my parents could come back at any second." 

"You're so boring." Keefe pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. I laughed and gave him a quick peck. 

"Better?" I asked. 

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