Chapter 15

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Keefe's face grew it's usual smirk and he stopped walking, instead leaning closer to Sophie and into her face. 

"What was that, Mysterious Miss F?" he asked cockily. 

"" Sophie stuttered, her blush growing darker. What is with me lately?, she thought angrily. 

"Looks like I left you speechless." Keefe said, retreating from her personal space. He chuckled and continued walking down the stairs. 

"I-you-Keefe!" she sputtered, swelling in anger. 

She ran down the stairs in pursuit of him, but, well, Sophie running is never a good idea. She realized this as she tripped down the last stair and went tumbling towards the floor. 

"Ouch." she winced, pushing herself up from the floor and rubbing her arm where it hit the ground. 

Jk, jk. You really thought I would let her fall and Keefe not catch her?! What do you think I am? A monster?! Or worse.... a sofitz shipper? *shudder*      Anyways haha basically just ignore the sentence where Sophie got up from falling.

Right before she hit the floor, she felt a sturdy grip on her upper arms. 

"Falling for me, too? Gosh, Foster. No need to make it so obvious." Keefe smirked. Sophie flushed red and pulled her arms out of his grasp. 

"Yeah, right." she said sarcastically. 

"I'm just reading you emotions. Don't blame me." he said, his hands in a yielding position. Sophie grunted and walked outside, mumbling under her breath about 'stupid empaths'. 

"Uncle Fitz!" Alora shouted as soon as she noticed Fitz, Keefe, and Sophie come outside. 

"Hey kiddo!" he said, holding out his arms for her. She jumped into them, giving him an enormous hug. 

"What's up, Uncle Fitz?" Ashton called, jumping off of Wynn and walking over to them. 

"Just came to see my favorite god kids." Fitz grinned. 

"Actually, I think you mean god kid. Everyone knows Alora's your favorite." Ashton said, smirking. It looks just like Keefe's, Sophie thought to herself, her eyes softening. 

"That's totally untrue." Fitz said defensively, putting his hand on his heart. 

"Uh-huh." Ashton said, clearly unconvinced. He'd finally reached the group and patiently waited for Alora to unlatch herself from Fitz. Once she had, he gave him a hug. 

"So how's that girl? Have you asked her out yet?" 

"Uncle Fitz!" Ashton whined, blushing a deep shade of scarlet. Fitz laughed. Sophie shot Keefe a bemused look and he returned one.

"Fitz!" Elwin called from the house.


"I'm finished with Kenric. Are you going to leave with me or should I swing by your house later?" 

"I'll come with you. I'll be up in a second." Fitz shouted back. He turned to Keefe and Sophie. "Well, that's my cue. I'll see you guys soon." he said smiling and kneeling down to hug Alora again. He hugged her and then stood back up to give Ashton a hug. 

"Bye, Fitz." Sophie said quietly. 

"Bye, Fitzy-poo." Keefe said, grinning. Fitz laughed and hugged both Keefe and Sophie, the latter blushing hard. 

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