Chapter 12

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Sophie woke up to a semi-unfamilair room. She had a faint idea of where she was, but her foggy, sleep-clouded brain couldn't pinpoint exactly where. She did at least know that she wasn't in her room and that she had been in this strange room before. 

She groaned and sat up in the bed she was in, looking around at the room. Sophie blinked a few times before realization dawned on her. She was in the future and this was her and Keefe's bedroom. This was confirmed when she heard a deep groan come from somewhere below her. She peeked her head over the side of the bed to see Keefe starting to sit up from his makeshift sleeping area. 

"Good morning." he murmured to Sophie, his voice deep and rough. Had his voice always been that attractive in the morning?, Sophie thought before turning a deep shade of red and averting her eyes. She scolded herself. His voice wasn't attractive, per say. It was just... interesting. Exactly, she concluded to herself. 

When she brought her eyes back to Keefe's face, his brow was arched and he was smirking. He must have noticed the change in her mood. 

"Morning." Sophie said and quickly pulled herself fully back onto the bed. She facepalmed herself, wondering how she always seemed to forget that Keefe was a empath. 

Sophie started to move to the end of the bed, determined to get up and get some breakfast, when an arm flew up from the side of the bed. Sophie jumped, effectively falling off of the bed. 

"Keefe! You scared me!" she shrieked from her spot on the floor.

"Sorry, Foster. I was stretching." he said, getting up and then walking over to Sophie to offer her a hand up. She accepted it gratefully and he pulled her off of the floor. 

"Breakfast?" he asked. Sophie nodded. Keefe started to turn around before Sophie noticed what he was wearing and sighed.

"I didn't think you were actually going to wear that. You really do love that Batman shirt, don't you?"

"How could I not? It's just so... fabulous. Like me." he replied, his signature smirk making its way onto his face. Sophie rolled her eyes and led the way downstairs. 

When they passed the second floor, Sophie turned around to look at Keefe. 

"Aw, why do I have to do it?" Keefe whined. Sophie laughed. 

"I think it's funny that you just knew what I was gonna ask you to do." she said.

"It's cause I know you. This is why Team Foster-Keefe is unstoppable!" Keefe exclaimed. 

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard that before. Now go." Sophie said, shooing him towards the three doors on the second floor. 

"Whatever. I don't see why I have to get up all three kids. You could easily do at least one." he grumbled. Sophie laughed again and continued walking down the stairs. 

She served herself a bowl of whatever the gnomes had made for breakfast and then proceeded to dish out four more servings for Keefe and the kids. Sophie was walking to the table with the bowls when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her legs and a girlish giggle. Alora, she realized. 

"Mommy!" Alora cried.

She stumbled and squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the fall. Before she hit the ground, she felt strong arms catch her. Although someone caught her, she waited for the sound of shattering dishes. She was confused when she didn't hear anything. Sophie slowly opened her eyes to see herself being held upright by Keefe and all the bowls levitating in the air. 

"Thanks, Keefe." she breathed. 

"Anytime, Foster." he said, letting go of her arms and slowly levitating breakfast onto the table. Keefe sat down and Sophie realized she was the only one left standing. Alora and Ashton were already seated at the table, along with Keefe, so she sat down. 

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