Chapter 32

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I spent the rest of the night helping Biana with homework, even staying for dinner at the Vackers'. It was less awkward than I had remembered it being with me and Fitz at the time, but that wasn't to say it lacked awkwardness. Where other people couldn't see much of a change, I think Fitz saw it the most. In this timeline, I hadn't yet realized I was in love with Keefe, and while I had moved on from Fitz, there was still that underlying connection. A connection that didn't exist anymore, and hadn't for a long time. And Fitz, having been my cognate for such a long period, was able to pick up on that shift, it seemed. Which would make cognate training all the more miserable the next day.

Mental blocking was always an option, given I was much stronger than Fitz was, especially now that I had the advantage of age. But there was so much I would have to block off, - over a decade - which would surely drain me. I could also ask Tiergan for a less mental exercise, one that didn't require Fitz to enter my mind at any point during the period. But Tiergan might ask questions, or even downright refuse, especially if he sensed I was unwilling to do it. There was also the possibility of ditching class, although I usually tried to refrain from that, and I might get caught if I tried it. Not to mention, I would see Fitz tomorrow regardless, and if I ditched, I'd have to come up with an excuse for it. 

There was really no winning option, but I knew from experience that Keefe and I wouldn't be returned to our own timeline for a few more days, so I would have to come up with something. Normally, I would have asked Keefe for his opinion, but, knowing Keefe, I already knew that his "genius idea" would be to ditch class and make-out in a secluded hallway. Which could become quite problematic, no matter how much either of us would enjoy it.

I contemplated all three options, searching for a magical forth that would work perfectly (and was not successful), over both dinner and the rest of the night with Biana. Eventually, I returned to Havenfield, and reasoned it would make more sense to come up with a solution once I had a good night of sleep. 

Once I got to Havenfield, I pushed my home crystal into my pocket and started up the stairs towards Edaline and Grady's room. 

"Hey, I'm home," I said, peeking my head into their room. 

"Hi, Sophie. How was homework and dinner?" Edaline asked, her smile lighting up the room. I missed my mom's smile. I didn't get to see it enough anymore. 

"It was good," I answered, smiling back. "I'm going to head to bed, if that's alright." 

Edaline and Grady both nodded. 

"Goodnight," I said. 

"Goodnight, sweetheart." 

"Goodnight, Sophie."

I left my parents' room, completing the climb to my room and opening the door. 

Not bothering to change into my pajamas, I pulled back the sheets on my bed, slipping between them easily. Turning to the side and tugging the covers over myself, I noticed a slip of paper sitting on my nightstand. I reached over to grab the sheet, unfolding it once it was in my grasp. 

My lovely wife,
Hail me once you get home.
-Your hot husband

I rolled my eyes fondly and fished my imparter out of my tunic. 

"Show me Keefe Sencen," I said to the metal object. 

The imparter was blank for a few moments before half of Keefe's face appeared.

"IotthesSopheeAleraesfon" he mumbled, his face bobbing in and out of view of the screen. 

"Keefe?" I asked, slightly concerned. 

His face suddenly shot into sight, his eyes wide. 

"What'sgoingon, whereamI?" Keefe asked, his expression confused and frantic. 

"Are you okay?" I asked as Keefe's eyes narrowed and then lit up with recognition. 

"We're still in the past, aren't we?" he asked dejectedly, addressing me for the first time since he'd answered the call. 


"Dang. Sorry, I fell asleep, and I sort of got startled awake by your hail," he said sheepishly and I laughed. So that's why he'd murmured all that nonsense. 

"Sorry I woke you up," I chuckled. "So why did you want to talk to me?" 

"Well, I think that should be obvious," he said, a somewhat sultry look on his face. I raised my eyebrows.

"Should it?" I asked, my eyebrows still raised, curious to see where this conversation was going. 

"Yep. I wanted to hear your sexy voice, clearly," he grinned. I rolled my eyes and blushed slightly.    

"Oh hush. What do you really want?"

"Okay, okay. Maybe that's not the reason I asked you to hail me. But it is a nice bonus," he chuckled. "I was going to tell you that I know what you should do for telepathy tomorrow."

"Do you? And what would that be?" I asked, knowing exactly what he was going to say. 

"I think you should ditch."

"Should I now? And do what exactly?"

"I would say something mature, but we both know you won't be able to keep your hands off of me for long," he said, shooting me his signature smirk. 

"Uh huh. Sure. What a great idea," I laughed, rolling my eyes fondly. 

"So?" he asked expectantly.

"We'll see," I answered and a pout immediately appeared on Keefe's face. 

"Fine. I get it. You just don't want to hang out with me anymore," he said, an overexaggerated frown on his lips. 

"Yep. That's clearly it. Definitely not anything else," I deadpanned. 

"I knew it!" Keefe gasped, moving backwards and further away so I could see the way he threw his hand onto his chest. 

"You're such a dork," I laughed.

"But I'm your dork," he said, pushing his face forwards and close to the imparter, and moving his eyebrows up and down. I laughed again and shook my head. 

"That you are," I smiled, fondness creeping into my tone. As crazy and dorky as Keefe could be, his crazy, dorky self was mine, and mine alone. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way," he answered, a yawn punctuating the end of his sentence. 

"Why don't you get some sleep, sleeping beauty?" I suggested, chuckling lightly. 

"Okay," was Keefe's reply. 

"Goodnight, Keefe." 

"Goodnight, my darling."

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