Chapter 25

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"I know you're dating Keefe."

"I- huh?" I said, confusion clouding my face. Keefe started to laugh. 

"You-you think we're dating?" he exclaimed, still laughing. A dusting of pink coated Dex's cheeks. 

"Yeah." Dex said quietly and Keefe laughed harder. 

"Dex, we're not. I don't even like Keefe that way." I said, chuckling slightly. 

"Aww, c'mon Foster. We all know you secretly love me. You just can't resist the Keefster." Keefe smirked. 

"Whatever you have to tell youself, Keefe." I said, shaking my head at him and turning back to Dex. 

"If you're not dating, then why did Keefe call you sweetheart this morning?" Dex asked, puzzled. I exchanged a glance with Keefe. I had no idea what to say to that. 

"Umm..." I trailed off. 

"Because I was dreaming?" Keefe said, his response more of a question than an answer. 

"Are you admitting that you dream about me?" I teased. 

"Yup." he answered, popping the 'p' and leaning towards my face. "Is that a problem, Foster?" 

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away by his shoulders. If he'd gotten any closer, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to supress the urge to kiss him. Which definitely wouldn't help our case that we weren't dating. 

"Okay then." Dex said slowly. "Well, I'm gonna go. Have fun doing... whatever you're doing." he said, going towards the door. 

"Wait, Dex. I have a question." I said and he turned back towards me expectantly. "Do you want to come over for a sleepover tomorrow? I'm inviting all our friends." I asked. 

"Sure. That sounds fun. Would it be right after Foxfire or later than that?" 

Uh-oh. I'd forgotten about Foxfire and, based on Keefe's expression, he had too. Were Mondays telepathy? I couldn't remember. But there was no way I could go to that class and do cognate training. 

"After Foxfire." I answered, pulling myself out of my thoughts. 

"Okay. Thanks, Sophie." Dex said before smiling and walking out of my room. 

"Shoot! I forgot about Foxfire!" I said, placing my hands on my head and pacing around my room. "We'll have to pretend we don't know anything. And I definitely can't go to Telepathy because that would be a disaster within itself. Oh gosh. And Fitz was a nightmare right around this time. Maybe we should just ditch. We could run away." I rambled, turning to Keefe, my eyes wide. He placed his hands on my forearms, holding me in place so I couldn't pace anymore. 

"Breathe, love. Well, figure this out. Although, ditching isn't such a bad idea. We could go make out in a dark hallway." he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows and I laughed. 

"That's probably not the best idea." I replied, smiling. 

"Aww, why not?" he pouted, making me giggle.

"You are ridiculous, Keefe Sencen." I laughed

"But you love me anyways, Sophie Sencen."

"That I do." I said, pecking his lips and he chuckled. 

"You should probably hail everyone about the sleepover." Keefe said and I nodded. 

I spent the next 30 minutes hailing all of our friends. Keefe laid on my bed the entire time, making silly faces at me and making me laugh in the middle of my sentences, causing our friends to look at me with concerned faces. 

"Okay, done." I said when I'd finished, collapsing next to Keefe on the bed. "You're really annoying, by the way." 

Keefe gasped, sitting up, his hand flying to his chest in mock offense. 

"Excuse you! It's called being funny!" he said before lying back down and laughing, me joining in soon after. 

"I love you, Keefe." I said once we'd both stopped laughing. 

"I love you too, beautiful." he answered, reaching for my hand with his and intertwining them. 

He leaned in to kiss me, but right as his lips touched mine, I shot up and ran to the other side of the room, puking into the first availible trash can. Keefe came up behind me a few seconds later and sat down, holding my hair back and rubbing my back lovingly. 

"Stupid side effects." I muttered once I'd finished. 

"You okay, sweetheart?" Keefe asked, concern written into his features. I nodded and leaned into him as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"I guess Elwin's remedy didn't help much." I laughed bitterly. Keefe gave me a sympathetic look and kissed my temple. 

"Sorry, love. I know it sucks." he frowned and I shrugged. 

"It is what it is. It's nothing I'm not used to. I have already had three kids, mind you." I laughed. 

"Ah, yes. How could I ever forget about those trouble-makers?" Keefe replied, laughing with me. "Speaking of, how do you think they're holding up?" 

"I'm sure they're fine. They're strong. But, come to think of it, didn't Kenric manifest again when our younger selves were there?" I asked.

"That's right! That had to have been the most awkward conversation I've ever had with him." Keefe chuckled.

"Yeah." I laughed and then paused. "I miss them." I whispered. 

"Me too, Foster. But we'll see them again soon, I promise." Keefe smiled. 

"I hope you're right. If only I hadn't been so oblivious as a kid." I said, laughing even while tears started to form in the corners of my eyes. Keefe, seeing the tears, hugged me closer and moved his hand to stroke my hair. 

"Ah, see, but that obliviousness was what made it all worth it. I wouldn't have loved you as much as I do if you'd realized you loved me early on. It was the waiting that made my love for you so much stronger." Keefe said and I tilted my head up to kiss his jaw. He could be so sweet when he wanted to be. When I pulled away, instead of letting me snuggle back into his embrace, Keefe grabbed my jaw and pulled my lips to his. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer to him. 

"Well, well, what have we here?" a voice asked and Keefe and I jumped apart. 

This couldn't be good. 

Ok, so I know this chapter wasn't the best. I was doing okay during the beginning, but then had a ton of trouble finishing the rest of the chapter. Anyways, that's not important. I do have a question for y'all though.

Question: Do y'all like the chapters with future Sophie and Keefe (like this chapter) or the chapters with past/present Sophie and Keefe (like the past chapter) better??? Just comment your preference on this paragraph. And this is honestly just for the sake of my curiousity XD 

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