Chapter 28

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I whipped my head around, looking for the source of the voice, but not finding a single other person in the room. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. 


"I'm right here," the voice said in an annoyed tone. I turned again, this time finding myself looking into a mirror. Vertina's mirror. We must have been standing close enough that it'd activated. I rolled my eyes. She'd had me worried that Keefe and I had actually been caught. 

"Oh, it's just you," Keefe said, unimpressed. Keefe had never been a big fan of Vertina, especially when she would decide to make a snarky comment after we'd started dating. But, then again, nobody truly liked Vertina, so Keefe's dislike didn't stand out. 

"Don't you 'it's just you' me, mister! I am plenty capable of telling anyone who comes in this room about this whole thing! Just because the both of you are from the future doesn't mean you can say or do whatever you please!" 

"Or I could always put you in the basement so you couldn't do exactly that," I threatened. Vertina rolled her eyes. 

"Whatever. So I assume this is your husband?" she asked in a bored tone.


"Well, let me tell you, you could've done much better. Whatever happened to that Fitz boy? I liked him a lot more." 

I made a sound in the back of my throat. Vertina could be such a brat sometimes. I was used to it, so I normally didn't care. But I did when it was about Keefe. 

"You little-" I started before Keefe wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back and out of range of the mirror. I snarled at the mirror before sighing and leaning backwards into Keefe. 

"I don't understand how Jolie could stand her. She's such a jerk," I said. 

"Who knows?" Keefe shrugged. 

I opened my mouth to reply before my imparter buzzed from my pocket. I pulled it out to find Biana hailing me. Standing up from my leaning position against Keefe, I answered. 

"Hey, Biana. What's up?" I asked before turning around quickly to mouth She's so tiny and young! to Keefe, causing him to laugh silently. 

"Sophie! Can you help me with my astronomy homework? I'm so confused!" she said, her face flushed and panicked. 

"I can try..." I said unassuredly. It'd been a long time since I'd done astronomy and I had no idea what said homework was. And, to be honest, I never was any good at astronomy, even when I was in the class. For example, the whole quintessence debacle....

"Okay. I need you to light leap over here.... Wait, is that Keefe behind you?" 

"What? No! Why would he be over here?" I asked, my voice getting higher in pitch as I turned so I was facing Keefe instead of having him behind me. 

"Yep, that is Keefe, sparkly girl. Do you want to know a secret? These two are actually from the future and married!" Vertina shouted towards the imparter from behind me. My eyes narrowed and I turned to her mirror to see her looking at me with a smug grin on her face.

"What?! Sophie, what's Vertina talking about?" Biana asked in a hysterical voice. 

"Look what you did!" I hissed at the mirror and steped backwards and out of range before lowering my gaze to my imparter to see Biana looking at me with wide eyes. 

"Don't listen to her, you know she's crazy. I don't even like Keefe! I like Fitz, remember?" I said as convincingly as I could while also wincing internally at my words. 

"I thought you'd gotten over your crush on my brother," Biana said warily. I mentally slapped my hand onto my forehead. The me of this timeline had been over Fitz for more than 2 years. 

"Right... I just meant that, if I had to like someone, it would be Fitz, not Keefe..." I said, looking up from the imparter to see Keefe, a pout on his face. 

Sorry, I transmitted. I love you.

Love you too, he mouthed and I smiled. 

"Sophie!" Biana said in a way that told me that she'd called my name more than once already.

"Yes?" I said sheepishly. 

"Is Keefe over there?" she asked, her expression telling me she already knew the answer and there was no use lying to her. 

I guessed she'd moved on from the Vertina situation. Knowing Biana, while she mostly agreed with Vertina's fashion sense, she still didn't like her either, making me a more reliable and believable source. Not to mention it was also pretty hard to believe that we were from the future. 

"Yeah," I answered, bringing my hand up to the back of my neck. 

"That's what I thought," Biana smirked and I rolled my eyes. It was so obvious to me that my and Keefe's friends had been shipping us in this timeline, and yet I never seemed to realize when I was that age. 

"So, about that astronomy homework. I get that Keefe's there and you're distracted, but I really do need help with this and it's due tomorrow. Could you come over?" she pleaded.

"Yeah, I'll be over in a second. Sorry, Biana," I apologized. 

"It's alright. While I may be your best girl friend, we all know Keefe is definitely your best boy friend," she said and then mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like "or more than that," which wouldn't have surprised me one bit. It was Biana, after all. 

"Okay, now don't take too long! See you in a few!" Biana exclaimed before cutting the connection and I laughed.

"I can't believe you like Fitz better than me," Keefe said, dramatically throwing his hand over his forehead. I laughed again. 

"Oh hush, drama queen. I think we both know who I actually like better," I said, raising my eyebrows. 

"Yes, we do. Fitz," Keefe cried out before throwing himself face-down onto my bed in a disney princess fashion. I shook my head and covered my mouth to hide my giggling. 

"How dare you laugh at my pain!" he said in a muffled voice, his face still smothered in my comforter. 

"You're ridiculous," I laughed, climbing onto the bed and laying beside him, my body facing his still face-down one. He turned his face towards me, an over-exaggerated frown on his face. I chuckled, taking his face between my hands and pecking his lips. Keefe gasped in mock indignation. 

"Excuse me, Sophie Sencen, but you've lost your privileges. You're not allowed to kiss me," he huffed. 

"Oh, am I not?" I asked, laughing and leaning closer. 

"Nope, you're not," he agreed, also leaning closer and letting his gaze fall to my lips. 

"Alright," I whispered before closing the gap. 

"You're cheating," he murmured against my lips. 

"Well, it's important to cheat sometimes. I think this qualifies as a good time," I said, pulling away just for Keefe to pull me back into another kiss seconds later and mumbling his agreement. 

I pulled away again, laughing when Keefe groaned in protest. 

"I told Biana I'd help her. I have to go, sweetheart," I said regretfully and Keefe sighed. 

"Fine. Just leave me. I don't care," he pouted and I laughed. 

"I love you," I said, kissing him quickly one last time before pulling out my pathfinder. 

"I love you too, Sophie," Keefe responded, smiling sweetly. 

Spinning to the correct facet, I stepped into the light. The last thing I saw before I was transported to Everglen was Keefe blowing me a kiss. 

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