Chapter 3

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I blinked open my eyes to a blinding light. I thought Keefe had closed our curtains last night! I groaned and sat up.

"Where the-" I said as I looked around the room I was in. This couldn't be happening. Why was I in my room in Edaline and Grady's house? Where was Keefe?

"Keefe? Keefe, where are you? This isn't funny!" I called out. No answer. This had got to be a dream. Wake up, Sophie. I pinched myself. Nothing. Still in the same place. With no Keefe. 

My door opened.

"Sophie, are you okay? Why were you yelling?" Edaline said as she popped her head into the room. 

Wait! Edaline! What was Edaline doing here? Did something happen with the baby and Keefe brought me to Edaline for help? You would think he would have called Elwin, but he can be a bit strange sometimes. 

"I'm fine. Why am I here? Is there somthing wrong with the baby? Where's Keefe?" I replied.

"What baby? What are you talking about?"

My eyebrows furrowed. Why did Edaline not understand? I was so confused. 

"Where's Keefe?" I asked again. I decided to just focus on finding Keefe for the moment. He'd know what's going on. 

"He's at Shores of Solace. Why? Were you expecting him to be somewhere else?" Edaline answered. Yes, I thought.  

"Can I go see him?" 

"Sure. But you might want to change first." Edaline said as I started to walk out the door to the Leapmaster. It'd been so long since we'd been to Shores of Solace that I didn't have a crystal. 

"Why would it matter if I change? It's not like he hasn't seen me in pajamas before."

Edaline gave me a bewildered look. 

"Sophie, are you feeling all right? You're not making much sense. Why would Keefe have seen you in your pajamas?"

"I'm fine. Just really confused. And, I mean, we do sleep together, seeing as he's my husband and all." I said. Why was she acting so strange? She knew this. 

Edaline gasped. 

"Sophie, sweetie, are you really okay? You're 15. What your saying just doesn't make any sense!"

"Wait. You said I'm how old?" 

"15. But you already know that." 

"Ummm..." I said. My head was spinning. 15? I hadn't been 15 in 25 years! Now I really needed to find Keefe. I ran out the door, oblivious to Edaline calling after me. 

"Sophie, wait. You're not allowed to go anywhere without me." said a squeaky voice I hadn't heard in 14 years. 

"Sandor? Is that really you?"

"Of course it's me. What other goblin would be outside your bedroom door? Were you expecting Ro?"

"No, it's just.... It's been forever since I've seen you." 

"I saw you last night."

"Right. I just mean it feels like it's been forever." I said, trying to seem normal.

"Okay then..."

"Well, anyways, see you later. I need to go alone this time."

"Wait, wait, wait. No way. Where you go, I go."

"Classic Sandor. Okay. Come on. We're going to Keefe's." I said as I continued towards the Leapmaster. Once we got to Shores of Solace, I burst into a run towards the house.

"Sophie, stop!" Sandor shouted after me. 

"Wait out here. I have to talk to Keefe alone. Besides, Ro will be there." I yelled back.

I opened the front door and gasped when I saw his face. Lord Cassuis. I should have known he would be here. 

"Hello, Sophie. What are you doing here? Wait. That's a silly question. I assume you're here to see my dissapointment of a son. Though, if I must say, it's a bit early for you to be here and you're not exactly in the right wear."

"I don't care what you think, Lord Cassius. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to Keefe." I said and pushed past him. I ran the rest of the way to Keefe's room and burst in. 

Keefe's room looked the same as it did when we were 15. There were the same stashes of prank potions and piles of dishes and laundry. Ro was stationed in the very corner of the room, pink pigtails and all. But I didn't see any of that. Keefe was pacing in the middle of the room with his thinking face on. He looked so young, but his eyes were the same. The second the door opened, his eyes snapped to mine. 

"Keefe." I breathed out. I ran to him and threw myself into his arms. 

"Sophie. Are you alright? Do you know what's going on? Why are we in our childhood rooms? Where are the kids? How's the baby?" Keefe asked. Shoot. I had totally forgotten about the kids!

"I'm not sure. I don't understand any of this. But I'm sure the kids are fine. They know how to contact everyone, especially Kenric. We gave him an imparter for a reason. I'm just glad we're going through this together."

"Me too." 

I pulled back and kissed him long and hard. Once I pulled away, he raised his eyebrows at me.

"What was that for, Foster?" he smirked. 

"'Cause I love you. And I'm so glad I didn't lose you." 

"I love you, too." 

He pulled me in to kiss me again when we heard a mix between a grunt and squeal come from the other side of the room. We snapped our heads in that direction and I sighed. I'd forgotten about Ro. Darn it. 

"Heeeyyyy Rooo." I said and waved akwardly. 

"Hunkyhair! You never told me about this! When did you finally get the queen of obliviousness to be less oblivious? And since when have you two kissed?"

"Ummm..." Keefe trailed off.

"Look Ro. You just need to pretend like you never saw that."

"Why would I ever do that?! I've been rooting for Hunkyhair from the beginning and you finally noticed him!"

"Ro, it's not what you think."

"So I didn't just see you two kiss." Ro said with a 'ya right. you can't fool me' face on.

I blew out a frustrated sigh. Keefe pulled me closer and leaned his forehead against mine.

"We should just tell her what's going on. It's easiest that way." he whispered and then kissed my forehead.

I turned back to face Ro. 

"Okay. You might want to sit down for this. We don't really understand a lot of what's going on, but it's not good. This is going to take a lot of explaining." 

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