Chapter 17

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"This is all my fault. I ruined his life. I'm a terrible father." Keefe whimpered.

"Keefe, this is not your fault. You have got to stop blaming yourself for something you can't control. And do you remember what Elwin said? He said that you learned to control it. That means Kenric can, too! You didn't ruin his life and you're a great father." Sophie said, forcing Keefe to look at her.

"Why do you put up with me? I'm a total mess." Keefe demanded.

"And you think I'm not a mess? Keefe, I 'put up with you' because I care about you. You're one of my best friends." Sophie said, looking him straight in the eye. And because I love you, she thought. As a friend, she added.

"Thanks, Foster." he said, smiling weakly. "You're always there for me."

"I'm just returning the favor." she said, smiling back at him.

Keefe pulled her into another hug. After a second, something in her pocket started to vibrate. Keefe, hearing it too, pulled away. She felt around and pulled out her imparter.

"Sophie!" Biana said when she answered.

"Yes, Biana?"

"Don't forget, you and Keefe ar-" she started to say before pausing. "Keefe, are you okay?"

"Yep! All good!" Keefe replied, smiling awkwardly.

"Okay..." Biana said, still looking at Keefe suspiciously.

"What were you saying before?" Sophie asked, taking the attention off of Keefe.

"You and Keefe are due at Linh's in a half hour."

"Okay. Thanks, Biana."

"No problem." she smiled and ended the hail.

Sophie turned to look at Keefe.

"I think we should both go talk to Kenric this time."

"You're right, as always, Lady Fos-Boss."

"Ash! Come look after Alora!" Sophie yelled.

"Again?" he shouted back.


A door opened and closed upstairs and Sophie and Keefe heard a grunt along with shuffling footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I don't see why I have to do it. She's old enough to look after herself." Ashton protested once he got downstairs.

"She's six" Sophie responded, giving him a look.

"Fine." he grumbled.

Both Sophie and Keefe made their way up to Kenric's room. Sophie knocked lightly on the door before opening it.

"Hey, Kenric." she said softly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." he replied and then turned his eyes to Keefe. "Sorry about earlier, dad. It's just a lot to take in, you know? It's honestly a pretty cool ability. And, I mean, now I have three abilities."

"Three abilities?" Sophie mouthed to Keefe. He shrugged.

"You know what's even cooler?" Keefe asked.


"You get to have your cool dad as a mentor." Keefe smirked, back to his normal self.

"Nooo!" Kenric cried. Keefe laughed. Another buzzing sound came from Sophie's pocket.

"What is it this time, Biana?" Sophie asked, her eyebrow arched.

"How are you going to get Kenric to Dex's?"

"I didn't think of that." Sophie said, bringing her hand to her eye to pull out an eyelash. She didn't do it often anymore, but there were still times. 

"Can't Dex just come here?" Keefe asked.

"Oh. I should have thought of that. I'll tell him." Biana said and hung up again. Sophie rolled her eyes fondly and laughed, Keefe joining in. 

"We should probably get going." Keefe said, still slightly chuckling. 

"Yeah." Sophie replied, walking towards the door, Keefe following her. 

Sophie and Keefe walked up to their room and Sophie went digging around in a drawer of the dresser against the wall.

"There's got to be one here somewhere." she muttered to herself, changing drawers. 

"What are you looking for?" Keefe asked, a befuddled expression on his face. 

"A pathfinder." Sophie replied, walking over to the bedside table. 

"I already have it." Keefe laughed, pulling it out of a pocket in his cape. "I picked it up this morning because I knew we were going to use it."  

Sophie turned to look at him, an annoyed look crossing her face. She sighed, rolled her eyes, and held out her hand. Keefe placed the pathfinder in her hand, an apologetic look on his face. 

"Should we wait for Dex?" Keefe asked. Sophie nodded and they walked downstairs. 

A few minutes later, Dex appeared in a flash of light. He grinned and went to hug them both. 

Out of all the elves she'd met in the future, Dex was the one who looked the most like his younger self. His baby face hadn't fully faded and he'd only grown slightly.

As Sophie returned Dex's hug, she couldn't help but bury her face in his shoulder, holding back tears. Dex had always been her best friend, and she felt safe with him, even though it wasn't her Dex. The fact that Dex hadn't changed much also added to Sophie's comfort. 

"C'mon, Foster!" Keefe whined moments later, nudging Sophie out of the way. "You can't hug Dex forever! It's my turn!" 

Both Sophie and Dex laughed, the latter reciprocating Keefe's embrace. 

"Okay, well, we'd better go." Sophie said after both elves had pulled away. "Thanks so much for this, Dex." she smiled. 

"No problem, Sophie." he replied, smiling as well. 

Sophie took the pathfinder out of her cloak and held it up into the air. 

"Ready?" she asked Keefe. 

"As I'll ever be." he sighed. 

Sophie took his hand, leaping them away. 

Wow, Sophie thought once the light had deposited them at Linh's. Her house - or maybe mansion was a better word - was larger than most elven homes. It was very emaculate, it's outside decorated in the flowing patterns of water and light. The surroundings to the home were even more gorgeous than the mansion itself. There were bright blue streams, a rainbow of flowers, and multiple different animals littered across the terrain. It looks like a fairy garden come to life, Sophie thought to herself. 

"It's so... Linh." Sophie said, finally breaking the silence. 

"Yep." Keefe responded, his eyes wide with awe. 

"We should probably go inside." 

Keefe nodded and they walked towards the house. Right as Sophie was lifting her hand to knock, Keefe stopped her, catching her fist in his palm. She turned to him, puzzled. He leaned in close to her face and brought his mouth to her ear. 

"Remember, we're madly in love, so it's all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it." Keefe whispered, smirking. Sophie jerked her head away, blushing a brilliant shade of scarlet. She laughed, although slightly embarrassed. What would it even feel like to kiss Keefe?, she thought to herself before shaking her head and blushing harder. Why was I thinking about that? Bad Sophie!, she scolded, shaking her head. 

Keefe laughed before stepping away so he was standing beside her, both now facing the door. Sophie raised her hand to knock again, pausing right before her fist hit the wood to make sure Keefe wasn't planning on stopping her this time. After a moment with no interverntions, Sophie pushed her hand forward, rapping her hand against the door. She held her breath, waiting. 

The door swung open to reveal a smiling face. 


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