Frequently Asked Questions

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Hey guys, so I've noticed a decent amount of confusion on a couple of things in this fanfic, so I'm going to try to answer them as best as I can. If y'all have any additional questions, feel free to comment and I'll possibly do another one of these later on :)

1. Is this a copy of Mrs. Sencen (or any other book like it)? 

     ~ Yes and no. I originally read Mrs. Sencen and was so upset that it wasn't going to be finished, and it got me thinking about writing something similar. I wanted to use the same concept, but it would be my own version that would be very different. So yes, I copied the idea, but no, it is not a copied story. To add, before I started writing my own version, I also messaged the author of Mrs. Sencen to ask for permission to use the idea. 

2. How do the POV's work?

     ~ This question has gotten less common as time has gone on and y'all have caught on to what's happening, but I'll still answer it just to clear up any lingering confusion. Basically, there are two main Sophie's in this story: Sophie from the future and Sophie from the past. Sophie from the past switched places with Sophie from the future and Sophie from the future is now in the past and Sophie from the past is now in the future. Additionally, as a general rule I try to stick to, there are two chapters that follow Sophie from the past written in third person and a third chapter that follows Sophie from the future written in first person. It has a two to one ratio for chapters. 

3. Why does future Keefe still call future Sophie "Foster?"

     ~ This has less to do with an actual reason and more to do with personal belief. I personally feel like Keefe would still call her Foster even if that wasn't her last name anymore. I think he would also call her Sencen, but I think Foster would stick to an extent. Again, not really a super great reason, but that's how I wrote it. 

4. What are the ages in this story? 

     ~ Past Sophie and Keefe are fiften, as is stated multiple times. After that, it starts to get a bit tricky. Sophie mentions that she "hasn't been fiften in twenty-five years," meaning that future Sophie and Keefe are forty. Sophie also says that they have been married for twenty years and Kenric is fiften. This means that Sophie and Keefe got married at twenty and had they're first child at twenty-five. Then, later on during the future, future Sophie visit, Sophie comes from ten more years in the future, putting her and Keefe at fifty. 

5. What abilities do Sophie and Keefe's kids manifest?

     ~ As we learn in the story, Kenric manifests Keefe's unnamed ability. On top of that, he is also an empath. Ashton is also an empath. There was never a reason for me to think of another ability for Ashton or any for Alora, so they don't have set abilities. 

6. What was going on at the end of Chapter 5?

     ~ Chapter five, as most of you know, was an April Fool's joke. That being said, it wasn't entirely pointless. It also had a couple of informational bits or foreshadowing. The ending of Chapter five (everything falling apart) was meant to foreshadow how past Sophie and Keefe were transported to the future, not another dimension like they had originally thought. Also, it was the first chapter to explain the empath ability of both Kenric and Ashton. 

7. Why did Sophie take Keefe's last name?

    ~ Again, this falls a bit more under the personal category. I am more traditional, and I prefer it when the girl takes the guy's last name. I know Keefe would most likely take Sophie's last name in the books, but I prefer Sophie Sencen to Keefe Foster and I'm traditional, as I said before. 

8. What are the ships in this story?

     ~ Well, obviously the main one is Sokeefe, no surprise there. On top of that, we have Wylie and Linh and Biana and Tam. To be honest, I don't have too many ships other than that. I hinted at Fitz having a wife, but I didn't put her name because I feel like it would be more likely that he would marry someone outside of his friends. It was similar for Dex. I didn't mention a spouse for him, but I always intended for him to have one, either a situation like Fitz's or someone like Marella. 

9. Why do Sophie and Keefe's kids call Fitz "Uncle Fitz?" 

    ~ There has been a bit of speculation on this one. Some of you have thought that Keefe was adopted into the Vacker's family, or that Fitz married Amy. In all reality, the reason I had them call him Uncle is, as mentioned, he is their godfather, and plenty of kids call their parents' close friends by the term uncle or aunt. I intended for Sophie and Keefe's kids to call most of Sophie and Keefe's friends by those titles. 

10. Why did Dex get left out when some of the couples went to dinner?

    ~ There wasn't a real reason for this. I guess that I imagined Dex being willing to be a babysitter for the night, and let his kids hang out with everyone else's kids. 

11. When Sophie had a nightmare, why did Keefe change?

     ~ When Sophie had her nightmare, Keefe started out evil and mean. Then, a blue breeze came through and calm washed over her as a normal, sweet Keefe appeared. When I thought up this scene in my head, the intent was that Keefe did what he does in the books to calm her down by sending her breezes, and by doing that he was somehow able to tap into her unconscious, dream state mind and communicate with her. 

12. Are the entries that Sophie reads from the journal from Unlocked?

     ~ Yes, they are. I thought it was plausible for Keefe's gold journal to reflect what was in Unlocked, and I thought it was a fun idea. 

13. Why did Biana call Keefe Sophie's best friend that's a boy?

     ~ I'm aware that some of you had something to say when I wrote that Biana said this. Many of you commented saying that Dex is her best friend. I somewhat disagree. I think Dex was definitely one of her best friends for a long time, but I also think that she got a lot closer to Keefe over time, and it seems more likely that her best guy friend would be Keefe by this point in the books. 

14. What was going on in Chapter 14?

     ~ In Chapter fourteen, that's where things got confusing. A third timeline was added into the mix. A Sophie from ten years further in the future than future Sophie is brought back to the time period that past Sophie is in. Since she is ten years in the future, Sophie and Keefe now have five kids and are fifty. Also, Kenric is not dead, he just wasn't mentioned in Chapter fourteen. 

15. Is there going to be a sequel?

     ~ There very possibly might be a sequel. My boyfriend has helped me come up with some really interesting ideas for one, and I told him that I would write it if he would help me, so as long as he does, there is a good chance. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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