Chapter 14

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"Hey..." he said uncertainly. Sophie could see the clear confusion on his face. 

"Sorry, we just...weren't expecting you. What are you doing here, Fitzy?" Keefe asked, his eyebrows raised. 

"I just came to say hello. It's been a while and we can't make it tonight, so we won't see you guys then." he replied. Keefe nodded, although a hint of confusion passed through his eyes, most likely entailing the 'we' in Fitz's response. 

Fitz turned to Sophie, opening his mouth to ask her something, before closing it again and giving her a concerned look. 

She was frozen in place, her eyes wide and staring. She had seemed to notice Fitz's adult state and shut down. Oh my goodness. He looks even better when he's older, she thought to herself. Fitz was now a bit taller and had stubble similar to Keefe's. His face was more defined and long. He overall just looked older. 

"Sophie, are you alright?" Fitz asked, his expression worried. At his words, Sophie seemed to snap back into reality, a crimson blush making it's way onto her cheeks. 

Seeing the blush, Fitz side-eyed Keefe. 

"I guess I just always seem to affect her, even from all the way over here." Keefe said, shurgging his shoulders, a smirk creeping onto his face. Fitz chuckled. Sophie rolled her eyes at Keefe, her blush lessening, but not fully vanishing from her face. 

"So, what happened to Kenric? He looks pretty bad." 

"Gee, thanks, Uncle Fitz." Kenric said sarcastically. 

Keefe and Sophie exchanged a glance, both hung up on the word "uncle". Sophie made a mental note to ask Biana about it later. 

"Well, Fitzter, that's a very loaded question." Keefe said, shaking off his previous suprise. 

"How so?" he asked. 

"We don't exactly know what happened to him." Sophie jumped in. 

"Oh." Fitz responded, crinkling his eyebrows in perplexity. 

"Wait, neither of you know what happened? Didn't you ask Alora? She was there, wasn't she?" Kenric asked.  

"What does this have to do with Alora?" Fitz asked at the same time as Keefe said, "Well, it's more complicated than that." 

Skepticism clouded Kenric's features and he opened his mouth to say something before Sophie grabbed both Keefe and Fitz's forearms.

"We should talk about this somewhere else." she said, dragging both elves towards the door. 

"Foster's right." Keefe said. 

"What? No! I have the right to know what's going on! It's my life we're talking about here!" Kenric burst out. 

"I know, bud. We'll talk about it after Uncle Fitz leaves, okay?" Keefe offered. Kenric rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"Whatever." he huffed under his breath. 

"Elwin, can you keep an eye on him?" Sophie asked, opening the door and starting to walk out. 

"Sure." Elwin said. Keefe jumped at the sound of his voice, seeming to have forgotten that Elwin was still in the room. Sophie chuckled under her breath. 

Sophie motioned with her arm, beckoning their small group out into the hallway. 

"Okay, Alora and Ashton are outside, so neither of them should overhear us." Sophie said, relaxing a bit.

"What is this about? Why can't we tell Kenric?" Fitz asked, looking very clueless.

"Kenric has my crazy ability." Keefe blurted. 

"What?" Fitz asked, clearly shocked. 

Sophie explained what had happened last night and Fitz took it in, wide-eyed throughout the entire retelling.

"Wow. That's really... just wow." Fitz said, still taking in all the information. 

"Yeah." Keefe said. 

"Kind of reminds me of when Keefe first got his ability and that whole stellarlune thing his mom put him through." Fitz said, smiling slightly. Sophie nodded lightly, remembering it all to clearly. 

"Yep. Feels like it was just a couple of months ago, huh Keefe?" Sophie said, elbowing him and shooting him a glare. He raised his hands above his head in a surrender position and sent her an innocent look back, making Sophie roll her eyes. 

"Remember when you and I dated, Sophie?" Fitz asked, reminiscing in old memories. Sophie blushed. Keefe's expression tilted down a bit. 

"But then we broke up and, a few months later, you and Keefe started acting weird and then suddenly started dating. I remember being so angry." Fitz laughed. "But look at us now! We're all still great friends!"

"Right. Friends." Sophie said dejectedly. I mean, I like Keefe and all, but why couldn't I have married Fitz?, she thought. 

"Anyways." Keefe started, trying to change the subject. "How have you been, Wonderboy?"

"I've been pretty good. Wife's good, kid's good. I think your lives are the only interesting ones anymore. Although, I guess no one ever expected your life to be normal, Sophie." Fitz said, laughing. Keefe joined in after a second. 

"He's right, Lady Fos-Boss." Keefe said in between his snickers. Sophie sighed. 

Sophie scowled at them, her hand on her hip, while waiting for them to calm down. When they did, both cowered under her gaze and Sophie could have sworn she saw a hint of a blush on Keefe's cheeks. No. That couldn't be right. He was probably just red in the face from all his laughing. 

"Since I'm here, can I go see the rest of my god children?" Fitz asked suddenly. 

"Umm, sure." Sophie said, startled. 

"Alora and Ashton are outside, right?" he asked. Sophie nodded mutely. 

Fitz started walking down the stairs and Sophie and Keefe and followed him. About halfway down the stairs, Sophie regained her senses. She didn't even know why she was suprised anymore. Her future life was so crazy that she should have expected it. She honestly wouldn't be suprised if all of her friends were godfathers and godmothers to her children.  

Sophie fell back further behind Fitz and matched her steps with Keefe's. She had a scolding to deliver.

"Just so you know, since we're apparently married, you're not supposed to laugh at me." 

"Oh Foster, I will never stop teasing you." Keefe replied with a strange intensity in his eyes and voice and Sophie melted. Butterflies exploded in her stomach and her blush could be seen from a mile away. She hoped he never, ever stopped doing it, regardless of what she said to him. Wait. No. That wasn't right. She didn't like Keefe that way. What was happening to her? 

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