Chapter 11

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Elwin nodded. Keefe's mouth fell open in shock.

"You're kidding." Keefe said.

"No, Keefe, I'm afraid I'm not."

"B-but my ability isn't even an ability! It's just a freaky thing my mom installed in me!" he exclaimed.

"Keefe, it is an ability. And it was always a possibilty that your children might inherit this particular ability, given that you're their father." Elwin responded. 

"Why did we have kids? I can't even fully control this ability!" Keefe said, more to himself and Sophie than to Elwin. 

Elwin furrowed his brow. 

"What do you mean? You're been able to control it for years." 

A look of panic crossed Keefe's face.

"Well, how do you suggest we approach this? What would be the best thing for us to do to help Kenric?" Sophie questioned, interjecting herself into the conversation and effectively changing the topic. 

"I would wait until Kenric has finished healing before teling him about his ability, as his emotions may effect the healing process. To answer your second question, the best thing you can do as his mother is be there for him. Keefe, on the other hand, can help him a great deal more due to them sharing this ability. He very possibly may be requested at Foxfire to teach Kenric." Elwin responded. Neither Keefe nor Sophie said anything for a few moments as they were both deep in thought. 

"Okay. Thank you, Elwin." Sophie finally said. She was still processing the information. This will be my future one day, she thought. 

"Of course, Sophie. And I'll be back here tomorrow to check on Kenric's progress, if that's okay."

Sophie nodded. 

"Goodnight, Sophie. Keefe." Elwin said, nodding to them in turn before raising his crystal to the light and glittering away. 

It was quiet between the two Sencens. Sophie looked up at Keefe and saw the pain in his eyes. 

"Oh, Keefe." she said quietly, walking over to him and hugging him. 

"I can't believe my future self was this selfish. How could I ever do this to my kid?" Keefe whispered. Sophie didn't respond, but instead pulled him closer. 

After a few moments, Keefe pulled away, clearing his throat and averting his eyes from Sophie's. 

"Keefe, look at me." Sophie said, waiting until he did. "It's okay. This is not your fault." 

Keefe nodded, but Sophie could tell he wasn't convinced of that fact. She sighed and pulled him into another hug, this one a lot shorter than the last. 

"Look, it's getting late. We need to get some sleep." 

"Like that's possible for you, Foster." Keefe said, a hint of smirk crossing his face. 

Sophie fondly rolled her eyes and started walking up the stairs. She heard footsteps behind her after a moment and knew that Keefe was right behind her. When she got to their bedroom, she opened the door and walked in, plopping down on the bed. Sophie looked up to see that Keefe was still in the doorway, with an embarassed expression on his face. 

"What?" Sophie said, her obliviousness striking again. 

"Well, umm, there's not a guest room..." Keefe said, hoping she would get the hint. 

Sophie's face turned bright red. 

"Oh." was all she said. 

"Yeah." Keefe said sheepishly.

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