Chapter 22

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I hesitantly looked up at Edaline. She was giving me a look that told me immediately that she didn't believe me. 

"It was an accident. We didn't mean to fall asleep, Mrs. Ruewen." Keefe said and I nodded. 

"Alright." she said, disbelief still written all over her face. "Well, Sophie, Dex is here to help you with homework." 

At that, Dex stepped out from behind Edaline and waved akwardly. My eyes widened. I didn't realize there was anyone else in the room other than Edaline. 

"There's also breakfast downstairs if any of you want some." Edaline continued. "And, Keefe," Edaline started, looking at said elf and smiling, "you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like." 

"Thank you, Mrs. Ruewen." Keefe said warmly, smiling back at her. 

Edaline smiled once more before walking out of my room, leaving the three of us alone. I gave Dex a tense smile. 

"So, Dex, how are you?" I asked, trying to break the ice a bit. 

"Good. And you?" he asked. 

Gosh, this was so awkward. I could handle Edaline finding Keefe and I in such a way, but it was a different thing entirely when it was one of my best friends. 

"I'm good." I said, nodding. The room was once again filled with awkward silence. 

"You know, I could go for some breakfast." Keefe put in after a few minutes of quiet. I nodded. 


"Sure." he said, turning to walk out the door. I started to follow before Keefe grabbed my wrist, effectively pulling me back. 

"Um, Dex, go on without us. We'll be there in a second." I said and he nodded. 

"Do you want me to close the door?" he asked, seeming very uncomfortable. 

"Yeah. Thanks, Dex." I said. He nodded without looking at me and walked out, closing the door behind him. 

Once I heard his footsteps fade away, I collapsed backwards onto the bed.

"We really made a mess of things." I said, staring up at the ceiling. I was so frustrated with myself for being so reckless. Why did I even let myself fall asleep in the first place?

"Sweetheart, look at me." Keefe said and I turned my head towards Keefe to look into his eyes. What I found in them was an overwhelming amount of love and reassurance. 

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault. It's going to be alright, Love." he comforted, taking my hand in his and rubbing circles onto the back of it. I smiled slightly. 

"Thanks. I love you, Keefe." 

"So I've heard." he replied, smirking. I slapped his thigh and he laughed. 

"Love you too, Foster." he said, still smiling. I pulled him down next to me by his hand that was still holding mine and pecked his lips. 

"Getting a bit risky there, Mrs. Sencen." he chuckled before wrapping his arms around me and kissing me again, this time deeper. I sighed into his mouth and brought my hands to his head, sinking my fingers into his hair. He made a small grunt of disapproval, annoyed that I was messing up his hair, but I knew that, deep down, he loved it. Keefe moved his hands to my hips, pulling me closer to him. His lips tilted upwards against mine before he broke the kiss in favor of trailing small, soft ones across my jawline and down my neck. I groaned and he chuckled darkly against my collar bone. Using all my self control, I slowly pulled away from him. 

"Keefe... we can't."

He looked at me for a minute before sighing and breaking eye contact. 

"I know." he muttered. 

"I love you, but you know we can't go any further until we're back in our time and our bodies." I said, stroking his cheek soothingly.  

"I know. I just..." he trailed off. 

"I know." I whispered and he buried his face in my neck, wrapping his arms around me. I kissed his forehead and moved my hand to his back, rubbing it comfortingly. 

"SOPHIE!" Edaline called from downstairs. Both Keefe and I shot up, looking to each other. We'd both forgotten that we were supposed to be downstairs eating breakfast. 

We both stood up, and started moving. Me towards the door, and Keefe in the opposite direction. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Um, you messed up my hair. I'm fixing it. Obviously." he said. I rolled my eyes fondly. Keefe and his hair. 

"Okay. But be quick." I said. He nodded and began to push his hair this way and that. 



"What should we do about Dex?" 

"You can either study with him or you can send him home." 

"Are you planning on staying either way?" 

"I'm not sure." he said distractedly, glaring at his figure in the mirror. "Something's not right." he muttered. 

"This goes here." I said, walking up to him and fixing the piece of hair out of place. 

"Thanks, Love. You're a lifesaver." he smiled, turning around to kiss me lightly. 

When he pulled away, I grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the door. Sandor was waiting right outside, his eyebrows raised. 

"What did I say about the making out?" he asked and Keefe and I both turned similar shades of red. I turned and pulled Keefe with me down the stairs, too embarassed to say a word to Sandor. 

When we got to the dining room, everyone looked up from their porcaroot pie. Edaline gave me a knowing smile, Dex looked back down at his breakfast, and Grady glared at Keefe. We sat down and Edaline served us each a slice of the pie. 

Breakfast was mostly silent other than Edaline attempting to break the awkwardness. Grady continued to glower at Keefe the rest of the meal, making it even more awkward. 

As soon as Keefe, Dex, and I were done with our breakfasts, I excused all three of us to go back up to my room. 

Once back in my room, I closed the door and faced the two boys. 

"Look, Dex, I don't think I'll be able to study today. I have a lot on my mind. Can we reschedule?" I asked. 

"Yeah, that's fine." he replied, smiling slightly at me. 

"You could stay and hang out, if you wanted." I offered. 

"Nah, that's alright. I'll let you and Keefe have some alone time." 

"What? That's not what-" I started before Dex cut me off.

"It's fine. You don't have to hide it from me. I know what's going on." 


"I know your secret, Sophie."

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