Chapter 34

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A blank room. White walls were the only scenery in sight. The boy spun in a circle, taking in the pure barrenness of the space. 

He wandered, looking for anything other than white. The wandering became dizzying circles, from one corner to the next, on repeat. 

The boy stopped his roaming for a moment in favor of placing his hand against one of the bright walls. As his hand connected, the brightness seemed to seep away. The boy stood mesmerized as he watched the wall slowly become transparent. On the other side of the wall stood a girl facing away, with long, pretty hair the color of honey and a brilliant red dress reaching towards her knees. 

The boy inched closer to the barrier, his hands and forehead flush against it. 

"Hello?" he whispered, afraid to spook the lovely girl on the other side. 

The girl turned slowly, her chestnut eyes connecting with the boy's sapphire ones. Both sets widened and a rosy blush came over the girl's untainted cheeks. The boy slowly lifted his lips into a small smile. 

Boldened by the gesture, the girl slowly moved closer to the wall, her skirts swooshing against her calves. Slowly lifting up her hand, the girl placed it against the boy's, only the thin separator between them. 

A jolt ran through both as their palms somewhat connected. In a flash, the girl turned away, swiftly making her way into the waiting darkness. 

"Wait!" the boy called out. 

               Maybe I really don't trust you...                                       

                                                                                              And to think I thought I loved you...                 
                                               Maybe you don't deserve to be forgiven...

I can't even stand the thought of being married to you...

The voices echoed, practically floating around the boy, bringing him to his knees, his hands cupping his ears. The boy lifted his head, watching the last of the girl fade from view. 

"No!" he yelled, throwing himself against the wall, scratching, clawing, begging for a way beyond the room he was so content to be in minutes prior. 

"Let me out!"


"Keefe? It's me, Biana. Can I come in?" Biana asked, knocking on the door. 

                           "We struggled a lot. Keefe and I were in a pretty bad place at some points when                                      we traveled to the future. We fought. It was awful. I'm just thankful that your                                          future self went to Candleshade to help Keefe or else it might've turned out very                                  different."

Here Biana was, doing what Sophie asked her to, twenty-five years after she asked it. At the time, she had always just thought Sophie's story was made up, a delusion. Now she knew that it wasn't, and that she had a duty to fulfill. Namely, making sure Keefe was alright after his fight with Sophie. 


"Just a minute," a broken voice answered through the door. 


Keefe awoke to a sharp rapping on the door. 

"Keefe? It's me, Biana. Can I come in?" a voice filtered through. 

Confused, Keefe sat up, his hand finding its way to his temple. As the memories from both earlier and his dream started to rush back, his hand slowly became slack until it fell into his lap. 

He now remembered the fight, the crying, the falling asleep, the nightmare. Keefe's breaths started to come out in short rasps, his body naturally curling into a fetal position. 

Even in sleep I can't escape what I've done, he thought, his mind spiraling. 

"Keefe?" the voice came again. 

"Just a minute," he answered, unsuccessfully trying to keep the pain out of his voice. Keefe tried to reign in his breathing, begging himself not to let the tears start to fall again. 

"I can't... I can't..." he muttered.

"Keefe, I'm going to come in, okay?" Biana's muffled voice said. Unable to find his voice to tell her not to, he hung his head instead as she opened the door. If she couldn't see the tears and puffy eyes, maybe she would believe they weren't there. 

"Oh, Keefe..."

"I messed up, Biana," Keefe whispered, his red eyes connecting with hers for the first time. "I don't think I've ever messed up this bad." he whimpered. 

Not knowing quite how to help, Biana sat down next to him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Keefe leaned into it, seeking her sisterly embrace. 

"Biana, she hates me," he hiccuped, his body shaking from the sobs. "Gosh darn it, I love her more than I've loved anyone, and she hates me just as much." 

"She doesn't hate you," Biana said softly, her hand rubbing circles on his back. 

"You can't know that." 

"Then how can you?" 

Keefe paused, the question leaving him momentarily speechless. 

"Because I felt it," he answered after a moment. 

"There's a very thin line between love and hate; they can easily be misinterpreted. People say things in anger that they don't mean, but it doesn't mean that hate is behind it," Biana said sagely. 

"But it seemed so genuine. It seemed like she really meant it... like she truly despised me," Keefe answered, pulling back to look at Biana. She had never seen Keefe look so helpless and alone.

"She didn't mean it, Keefe. I can promise you that. Neither of you would ever hurt each other on purpose." 

Keefe sniffled, lifting his sleeve up to swipe it across his eyes. 

"And if you're wrong?" 

"I'm not." 

An unsure expression came over Keefe's face, and the tears slowed. Maybe Biana was right. Maybe Sophie didn't hate him. 

"Even if she doesn't hate me, I still messed up. How am I supposed to fix that?" 

"Apologize," Biana said plainly, giving Keefe an encouraging look. 

"She deserves more than just an apology. An apology isn't enough," Keefe paused. "I just- I hate myself. All I ever do is hurt her."

"Sometimes it's the people that hurt us the most that also love us the most. Sophie knows your heart, and she knows that you didn't mean what came out of your mouth. And, deep down, she knows how much you love her," Biana said, pushing herself off of the floor.

"Where are you going?" Keefe asked, his face displaying hurt. 

"I have to go. But you can do this, and regardless of what happened, it's going to be okay," Biana smiled, pulling out her home crystal. 

She slowly faded away in a shower of sparkles, but just as they were fading, they came back in full force, bringing with them another figure. 

Keefe found himself staring straight into Sophie's bloodshot eyes that matched his own. 

This is super random, but if any of y'all are looking for some sokeefe oneshots (or any kotlc oneshots for that matter), I found a book with some that is literally amazing. The writing is beyond wonderful and I only wish I could write like that. It's called Oneshot Collection by Summer_waves9764      Seriously though, they're so good and I HIGHLY recommend them :)

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