Chapter 8

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"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Everyone says that when they're hiding something." Biana trilled. 

"No they don't." Sophie said defensively. 

"But I'm right, aren't I? You aren't the Sophie that actually belongs in this time?"

"Maybe you should come over." Sophie suggested and, within seconds, Biana was sparkling into exsistence. Well that was fast, Sophie thought. 

"Yes." was all Sophie said. Biana waited. Sophie sighed. "What do you want me to say? All I know is that Keefe and I came here from a different dimension-" Biana scoffed. Sophie gave her a look and continued. "-where we're 15, we don't have kids, and we definitely aren't married. Heck, we don't even like each other like that! We're just friends." 

Biana mumbled something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like "The obliviousness hits again." Sophie rolled her eyes. 

"Well, you have one thing wrong."

"And what would that be?"

"You're not in a different dimension. You're in the future." 

"And how on earth would you know that?" Sophie asked, annoyed.

"Because you told me." 


"You told me."

"Stop being to cryptic and just tell me what you mean." 

"Basically, when we were 15, you started acting strange all of the sudden. And then you were back to normal again a few days later, except for a few things I probably shouldn't say. Anyways, you told me that you went to the future and you and Keefe were married and had kids. You recounted the whole experience for me. To be honest, I thought you were totally crazy. I didn't tell you that, of course. Eventually, I forgot all about it. Until today. I guess I really should have believed you." Biana said, finishing her story with a wide smile. Sophie gaped at her, her mouth hanging wide open.

"You mean... to tell me... that, in the future,... I'm going to... marry Keefe?" Sophie shouted, thousands of different emotions running across her face.

The door suddenly burst open.

"You okay, Foster? That's a lot of emotion."

"Fine. I'm fine." Sophie muttered, focusing on the ground. Keefe raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, Keefe!" Biana said.

"Biana. Hi. What are you doing here?" Keefe asked, startled.

"Sophie wanted to talk about some of the weird stuff happening lately."

"What weird stuff? I haven't noticed anything." Keefe said, channeling nonchalance. 

"Keefe, she knows. And, don't worry, I didn't tell her. Apparently, she knows about this because I told her it happened... well, it happened in the past." Sophie explained, taking a quick glance at Keefe's face. He looked shocked. 

"Huh? What do you mean 'the past'? I thought we were in an alternate dimension."

"Well, you were wrong. This is your future." Biana cut in. 

"Wait. So you mean to tell me that I marry Foster in the future?" Keefe asked Biana. She nodded. 

"I knew you couldn't resist the Keefster for long." he said to Sophie, smirking. 

"Keefe!" Sophie shrieked. 

"I always knew you loved me." he said, bumping her hip with his and continuing to tease her. She buried her face in her hands and groaned. Sophie's face was burning intensely for the 7th time that day. 

"Kill me now." she muttered.

"Aww c'mon. It's not that bad, right?" Keefe said, a bit more serious now. 

"Well, no. It's just...well...Keefe...we...I don't know...would we you really think.... It just doesn't seem right." Sophie managed to get out. But Sophie couldn't fully ignore the voice in the back of her mind that was saying the very opposite. That this- her and Keefe -was, in fact, right. She could have sworn she saw Keefe's face fall, but, by the time she had blinked, the expression was erased. I must have imagined it, she thought. 

"Yeah, I get it. You've always wanted Wonderboy and, instead, you got me. Although, we all know I'm much better than Fitzy." Keefe said, pulling on a smirk at the end and slinging his arm over Sophie's shoulder. 

"You know that's not what I meant." she scolded. He shrugged.

"I'm serious!" she said, getting a bit mad now. Whether it was at herself or Keefe, she didn't know.

"Have I ever told you that you're adorable when you're angry?" Keefe said, his signature smirk on his face. Sophie blushed.

"You two do know I'm still here, right?" Biana asked. Sophie jumped at the sound of her voice, unaware up until that moment that there was another elf in the room besides her and Keefe. Biana had migrated a few feet away from her original spot, making her less noticable. 

" knew." Keefe said. 

"Yeah, okay, Keefe. Whatever you say. Anyways, I have to go. It's getting pretty late and Beck and Jace need me to take them to Atlantis. Tam already said he couldn't." Biana said. Sophie and Keefe both looked at Biana with confused expressions. Who were Beck and Jace? Biana saw their looks and laughed. 

"Right. I forgot you don't know anything about the future. Beck and Jace are Tam and I's kids." she explained. Sophie's mouth opened into an 'O' shape and she nodded once. Keefe, on the other hand, looked apalled. 

"You and Bangs Boy are married?" he practically shouted. 


"Figures." Keefe huffed and crossed his arms over his chest in a joking manner. 

"Be nice." Sophie said, lightly smacking Keefe's arm. 

"As cute as you both are, I really do need to go." Biana said again. Sophie blushed and Keefe smirked at her comment. 

"Remember that we're having dinner at Linh and Wylie's house tomorrow night. Try you're best to act normal! Don't go out of the house too often and be careful! If you need any help, call me on my imparter."

"You act like we can't take care of ourselves. We'll be fine. Don't worry about us." Sophie said at the same time that Keefe said "Dinner with Lihn and Wylie?"

"I know. I just don't want the future version of you to grill me for not helping you guys enough."

"Did no one hear me? When did we decide we were having dinner with Linh and Wylie?" Keefe piped in. 

"You didn't tell him?" Biana asked Sophie.

"I was going to. I just forgot." 

"I'm right here, you know." Keefe said.

"MOM!" a male voice shouted from down the stairs. They all turned towards the door. 

"Well, I guess that's my cue to leave. Go figure out what Ashton wants." Biana said, pulling out her home crystal.

"How did you know that was Ashton and not Kenric?" Sophie asked. She couldn't even tell which was which, and she was technically their mother.

"I'm their godmother. You really expect me to not know the difference?"

"MOM! DAD!" they heard for a second time, this time sounding more desperate. 

"See you tomorrow!" Biana said, glittering away at the same time. 

Once she was gone, both Keefe and Sophie rushed downstairs to see what Ashton was calling them for. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they both gasped in unison. They were silent for a moment. 

"Guess he decided to Foster it." Keefe whispered. 

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