Chapter 13

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"Miss Foster, we need to talk. Or it might be more accurate to call you Mrs. Sencen." Sandor said. I sighed. 

Once Keefe had leaped away, I had gone back to where Sandor and Grady were standing near the house. Grady had seemed satisfied to go back inside once Keefe was gone, but had told me that lunch would be fairly soon. 

"Look...Sandor...I would really, really, really appreciate it if you didn't tell my parents. I didn't mean for this to happen and I wish as much as you do that I could go back to my own time." I said. 

"Miss Foster, I'm not going to tell Grady or Edaline anything. I understand that this predicament is very complicated and isn't something you wanted to happen. But, if I were you, I would keep the snogging to a minimum." Sandor said, a hint of a smirk crossing his face at the last bit. I blushed and hid my face in my hands. 

"Sandor!" I groaned. He chuckled. 

"I just figured that your parents, nor Lord Cassius, woud be too happy if they saw you two making out." 

My cheeks burned a deeper shade of red, but I knew he was right. If we were ever caught by anyone but our bodyguards, it would not end well. 

"Yeah, okay." I mumbled through my hands. 

"Oh, and Sophie, you might want t-"

"Lunch!" Edaline interrupted, peeking her head out from behind the front door. She seemed a lot less confused than this morning, so I took that to mean that Grady had told Edaline about the reason for the confusion. 

I started to walk inside. Sandor sighed, but then followed behind me. 

"Ah, lunch." I said, sitting down at the table. 

"You might want to change before you eat." Edaline said, winking. 

"Oh, right." I said, getting back up and heading upstairs. I was a bit confused by the wink, but sometimes that was just how Edaline was. I guess it had been so long since I'd lived with Grady and Edaline that it just didn't feel as natural as it used to. (Totally not me putting that Sophie had forgotten what it was like to live with them and then realizing that Sophie has a photographic memory and having to rewrite the sentence XD)

I opened the door to my old room and felt a wave of nostalgia run over me. I hadn't had time this morning to feel sentimental. It had been years since I'd been in this room. It still looked the same as when I left. The same bed, flower carpet, bookshelf, everything. I would never admit it to Keefe, but, sometimes, I still missed my old room. I had a lot of good memories here, some of my favorites including him. 

I realized my eyes had started to mist over slightly and quickly wiped at them. I walked over to my old closet and picked out a simple tunic to wear. My fashion sense still included being comfy, even in the future. Although I had many tunics to choose from, since that's all I seemed to wear at that age, I chose one that was ice blue in color because it reminded me of Keefe. 

His eyes were one of my favorite of his features. He always complimented my eyes when, in reality, his were 10 times prettier than mine. I'm just glad I got to see his eyes passed to at least one of our children. Alora had exactly the same shade of blue as Keefe and seeing them side-by-side was something I always loved. I couldn't have wished for a better life. I just hoped I would be able to go back soon. 


I snapped out of my thoughts. Oh yeah! Lunch! 

"Coming!" I called as I walked away from the closet. 

I didn't get far before I heard a snooty voice. 

"My goodness! You look terrible!" 

I smiled and turned toward the sound. I hadn't heard that voice since I'd left Havenfield. 

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