Chapter 16

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The first thing I noticed as I came to was a warm hand wrapped around my own. 

"What-" I said, starting to sit up, my eyes fluttering open. 

"Woah, take it easy, Foster. You just passed out." a masculine voice said as a hand pushed on my shoulder, forcing me to lay back down. I recognized that voice. 

"Keefe, what happened?" I asked. I was in a room that seemed familiar, like I'd been in it many, many times when I was younger. I was lying in a bed and Keefe was in a chair next to me. 

"I don't know. One second we were talking, and the next, you dropped your imparter and started whimpering. I had to light leap to Havenfield and then call Elwin. You scared me half to death." Keefe recounted.


"It's alright." he sighed. "Just don't do it again." 

I decided not to answer since we both knew that I couldn't promise anything. 

"Sophie! You're awake!" Elwin exclaimed, coming in from another door. I jumped at his voice, not expecting to see him. At least it explained where I was, since I couldn't seem to figure out that I was in the Healing Center myself. 

"Hey, Elwin." I replied, wincing a bit as a spike of pain ran through my temple. It quickly started to fade only seconds later. 

"What hurts?" he asked, coming over to the side of the bed I was laying on and flashing light around me. 

"Just my head. I'm fine now, though." I said.

"Alright, but take this elixir. It should help with the headaches and nausea." Elwin said, handing me an elixir of a strange orange color. 

"Why would I have nausea?" I asked. I only seemed to be having pain in my head. 

"Well, Sophie, you seem to be experiencing something extremely unusual. Your body seems to think that you're pregnant and is responding as such."

At this, I shot a confused look at Keefe. Could it have something to do with me being pregnant in the future, but being trapped in the past? 

Mistaking my look as panic, Elwin quickly reassured me. 

"Don't worry, you're not pregnant. I checked." he soothed. 

"Okay. But why did it make me pass out?" 

"That, I'm not sure on. It might have something to do with your body being fragile at your age. Your body shouldn't be handling the strain of being pregnant and it may have reacted by causing you to pass out. It also could have been something with the amount of pain you experienced in your headache. There's no way to tell for sure." 

"Okay. That's a lot to take in." I said, sighing. 

"Is there anything you can do to stop it from happening?" Keefe asked, squeezing my hand that was still entrapped in his. 

"I'm afraid not. The best I can do is relieve the symptoms. Which reminds me, I need to go fetch some elixirs for you to take home, Sophie." Elwin said, going back through the door he first came out of. 

"Are you alright, darling?" Keefe asked, turning to me. 

"Yeah. It's nothing worse than all my other pregnancies." I replied. Keefe nodded and leaned forward to kiss my temple. 

"Where are my parents?" I asked, suddenly realizing how strange it was that they weren't at the Healing Center. 

"I-uh...I kinda didn't tell them..." Keefe mumbled.

"Keefe!" I scolded. "They're going to think I was abducted or something!"

"I left Sandor and told him to think of something." he said defensively. I rolled my eyes. 

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