met you again , love...

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Next day , when sasuke opened his eyes. He found himself in his old apartment , he got up and walked in bathroom. His eyes widened when he saw his reflection in mirror , then he looked at his body.

He was in his 12 year old body , he used his mangekyo to find any genjutsu but no...

He used his rinnegan too but it wasn't a genjutsu then , he noticed he can turn on and off his rinnegan.  He turned it off cuz'it consumed a big part of his chakra.

He sat at his bed , thinking

He had his chakra in it's usual amount so , it doesn't change . He can still use his all Justus so , only his appearance is changed.

He changed in his clothes that he used to wear when he was 12 , he got out of his big apartment and walked on streets.

When he was roaming around , a pink banshee caught his arm "sasuke-kun , wanna go on a date" she said in a voice which she thought was

"What's gonna happen today , sakura" he asked in his stoic voice

"Today's our graduation test , sasuke-kun
But you don't need to worry , I know you will pass with ease ~"

"Hn" he said or made sound before removing her arm and walking away

I really am in past which means , Narumi is still alive. If I made my steps wisely then , maybe I can save her and change the future.

He walked in academy and sat at his seat
After sometime Iruka sensei came with a narumi tied in ropes . Sasuke only stared at the girl .

He loved her too but chose sakura cuz' he didn't deserve her , he didn't wanted to ruin her life . Even if sasuke don't go to orochimaru he still have the strength he gained from the snake's training.

So , this time he sure isn't going to orochimaru.

He'll be in Konoha to be more close to Narumi and make her love him.

He was busy in his thoughts that he didn't notice the 10 year old girl , sitting next to him

"Earth to sasuke" he heard her angelic voice

"Yeah" he said focusing on the class but not forgetting to Take quick glances at her , he wasn't believing she was still alive , sitting next to him  , looking adorable as ever

He was busy admiring her that he didn't heard his name being called ...

"-ke "



"SASUKE" yelled Narumi taking sasuke out of his thoughts

"It's your turn"

"Hn" Narumi pouted , she hated when sasuke made that sound

Sasuke made his clone and sat back at his seat , staring at Narumi lovingly

"Uzumaki Narumi" yelled Iruka

"Hai" said narumi before performing her jutsu

A dead zombie like clone of her formed

"You failed" Narumi looked at the ground sadly , sasuke didn't knew how she passed but she passed in the end so , he didn't wanted to change it

Next day , Narumi was sitting proudly with her own hitai-ate on her head , sasuke wanted to know how she passed.  so , he sat next to her and thought about calling her dobe , but he knew If he said she'll be angry so , he said

"Narumi" the said person looked at him like he had 3 eyes


"How you passed"

"And why would I tell you that"

Sasuke made the face he made when he pleaded Itachi to train him his shuriken jutsu
And said "please , na-ru-mi-san" he joined his hand in a apologitic manner

Narumi's eyes widened , the teme never did this before then why now ? Wait...

Can this person be a traitor or an enemy in disguise? I need to tell jiji about this

"Umm... , I'll tell you today's evening at hokage monument"

"Ok" he said in his stoic voice

"Class , give me your attention now"

"I'll announce teams , now"


"Team-7 , Uzumaki Narumi , Haruno sakura , Uchiha Sasuke"

"Team-8, ..."

"Sensei , why a great shinobi like me is stuck with a loser like him"

"SHUT UP , narumi" yelled Sakura , hitting the blonde girl , sasuke glared at her

One by one everyone's sensei took their students with them and left , In the end it was only three who were left and I'm sure as hell that you know them and I'm skipping to when Kakashi left after taking their introductions

After Kakashi left , Narumi left for hokage tower.

In her way she met Iruka and they both reached hokage office together

"Jiji " Narumi said

"Come in" Iruka and Narumi walked in together

"What happened " said sandaime looking up from his papers


"It's about sasuke , sandaime-sama" Iruka said

"Take your seats" they both sat on their seats

"Sasuke have been acting weird"

"How can you say that" asked hiruzen

"He said please to me and used honorific with my name "

"Hmm and iruka you"

"Sasuke was staring at Narumi all the time"

"Hmm... You both can leave"

"Thank you for hearing us , sandaime-sama " Iruka said before leaving

Hiruzen called one of his anbus

"Bring Uchiha Sasuke , here" the Anbu nodded and left

After sometime he came back with the Uchiha

"Sasuke , please sit" the boy did as said

"Narumi and iruka came here and told me about your different behaviour in class today , can I have a answer, why? "

"First , send all the anbus out" hokage did as said

"I'm in reality , from future...." The boy told him about the tragic events in future and also about the sad death of his love , yes sasuke also told him that he loved the girl with his whole heart

Hiruzen did a mind search by Inoichi on sasuke
And found out that the boy wasn't lying
They trusted him with narumi and told him to do what he needs to do with that the Uchiha left for the hokage monument

The boy sat their waiting for his love

On the other hand narumi went hokage tower again "jiji , are you sure he's the real sasuke"

"Yes my child , he is . No need to worry" the hokage replied ruffling her hair

"If you say so..." The girl left for the hokage monument too...

Yes I know , I again posted a new story but I can't control myself from not posting it....

So , Enjoy...

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