3 years later

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"this! I will wear this" said a 17 year old narumi , looking at Tsunade who was showing her , her wedding kimono

"Yes gaki, you'll wear this , it's my choice afterall"

"It's beautiful , baa-chan" said the hugging the older woman

"I knew you'll like it"

"Can I come in " said a Iruka standing in front of the door

"Please come in" Iruka smiled and came in

"See! Sensei , what baa-chan chose for me"
Said the girl , showing the kimono to Iruka

"You'll look beautiful in it , my dear" said Iruka ruffling her hair , the girl blushed smiling , looking down

"Naru , I came here to ask you a favor"

"Ask anything you want , Iruka sensei"

"Will you-I mean , will you call me... Father starting from... Now"

The girl stared wide eyed at the man and jumped on him "I WILL , sen-tō-san "

Iruka hugged the gir- I mean his daughter


Everyone was waiting for the bride , including our groom who was none other than our Last Uchiha.

Everyone was happy... Expect one.


The said person was laying under a tree , tears rolling down his face.

It's been years since she started ignoring , why does she do that? Have I done anything wrong that I don't deserve her attention?
Why? Why? Why this is happening to me?
Why isn't that Uchiha in my place? Was my love for her wasn't enough?

Have I done something wrong, kami-sama, by loving Narumi-san?

He was just wondering this things until neji came running to him and yelled.


"Neji-Nī-san, what happened"

"H-hanabi, she got kidnapped"

"What! "

Hinata rushed to the hokage office , where Kakashi was the hokage.

"Hokage-sama! , Hanabi"

"Yes , hinata. I know. Some Hyuga(s) too got killed with their eyes been taken. The moon is going to fall ,we all are going to die"
As Kakashi finished speaking , A blonde girl wearing a wedding kimono came running with a raven haired man wearing a wedding kimono , running after her.

"Kakashi-sensei..." Said the girl breathing heavily from running

"Is the moon really is going to fall"

"Right, that's why-" Shikamaru came in too

"That's why , I'm giving you 5 this mission"

"You all need to bring back hanabi and also saving the shinobi world. Y'all 5 are capable of doing this. Shikamaru being a nara , will be the leader. Sasuke being the Uchiha , will be the leader if... Shikamaru is no more capable of doing so , also his sharingan can help too. Neji being a Hyuga also being the Byakugan prodigy, will help too. Hinata being a Hyuga and also a medical ninja will be really helpful. Narumi can heal too so, if something happens to hinata she'll help and if something happens to her , he'll help"

"And Narumi... Sasuke, I'm really sorry for both of you but you need to postpone your wedding"

"No problem , sensei" said Narumi

"I'm giving y'all 2 hours to pack your stuff and leave for your mission"

"Hai" said all of them before sprinting

It took one hour for Narumi to change her kimono , while Sasuke taking the same time. They both took a bath and packed their stuff and looked at the time , they both still had 30 minutes to go.

Sasuke looked at his fiancee , who was going to be his wife. Narumi sat next to the 19 year old man on their sofa.

None could tell what was going in there heart RN. The raven leaned in to give the blonde a kiss , while the blonde doing the same. Their lips met and they Started smooching eachother with all the love they had in their hearts.

It was sure a long kiss as when they pulled they only had 10 minutes left. Sasuke knew if he continued the kiss , they both will end up on bed and Narumi surely won't be in a condition to walk. They both combed their messy hair and fixed their clothes and left for their mission.



"Here"said the Byakugan prince


"Hai" said the Byakugan prodigy




"Here! "

"And lastly me"

"Okay so, it means everyone are here. Let's start the mission now"



708 words (it's too short I know 🥲)

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