on the moon

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When Narumi came to save hinata on moon, toneri instantly changed his mind about marrying hinata.

"I'll leave him only if you..."

"I'll do anything. Just leave him" toneri smirked as he set the Byakugan prince free


"Hinata! Leave now"


"I said leave and leave now!!!" With a broken heart, hinata left the place.

"You said you'll do anything" said toneri to the girl as they both were alone

"Yes... I said"

"So... Will you go back on your words now"


"Good to know, don't worry I won't ask that much. Just do one thing for me... Marry me"
Said the Otsutsuki with a smirk


"So now you're gonna go back on your word"

Narumi wasn't getting what she need to do now.

"Don't worry... I'll give you time to decide" said toneri grabbing her arm and throwing her in the cage where Hinata was in sometime ago. 


"What do you mean!" Yelled Sasuke at the Hyuga

"It's true, we need to save her" said hinata

"I'm going to save her!" Said Sasuke leaving the group

"Sasuke, he's a Otsutsuki!" Yelled neji

"Let him go, neji" said Shikamaru

When Sasuke reached the castle, something tugged his pants, he looked down to see hazel, Narumi's summoning cat.

Sasuke crouched to the kitten

"Hazel... Y'know where's your summoner"

"Yes, master Sasuke. She've escaped the cage and succeeded in rescuing the Hyuga (hanabi) but the Otsutsuki's puppets are chasing her everywhere in the castle. She don't want to fight with the young Hyuga with her"

"Good girl, Take me to your summoner"


Sasuke followed the kitten in the castle and found that toneri was just going to Peirce Narumi's chest with his arm. In a blink of eye Sasuke kicked the life of the Otsutsuki.

Guys, I suck at writing fighting scenes and I don't like writing them too. So, you ain't going to find any type of fighting scene in any of my books. So, let's skip to where Sasuke defeated toneri.

"You okay?" Asked Sasuke

"Yeah, just let me do one thing" said Narumi as she leaned down towards toneri's body and plucked his eyes out and placed them in the young Hyuga.

It still suprised Sasuke that the girl was able to learn medical ninjustsu with ease.

"Done, Just some time more and hanabi will wake up. Let's go"

"As you say" obeyed Sasuke

They both went to the group

"No need to worry anymore, I've hanabi let's Take our leave" chirped Narumi


"Great job y'all" said the rokidaime hokage

"Thank you Sensei.... But..." Said Narumi

"What about our wedding" said sasuke completing his fiancee's sentence

"I'm really sorry for both of you, you don't have to worry. I'll take all the responsibility"



"Ohh God, who is this shino" asked kiba , staring at girl who was on the stage

"It's Narumi"

"What! That dead last, no it can't be. Look at her again, don't you think it's a angel who is lost. A lost angel who needs my guidance?"

"Shut up kiba, it's her wedding day"

"I still don't believe it's her!"


"Girls grow fast" said Jiraiya looking at the girl who was soon going to be married

"Right, it still feels it was yesterday when she brought me back to the village" smiled Tsunade

"We're growing old don't ya' think, it still feels like Minato was just a child Yesterday and here I'm...  watching his daughter getting married"

"Time flies"


"When she became this big" mumbled Iruka to himself

"Time flies when you're happy, Iruka" said kakashi appearing out of nowhere


"Nahh, just call me Kakashi"

"Hai, k-kakashi-san"

"That's good"


"Kankaro don't ya'think temari is too close to the nara" said gaara

"Of course, Love birds"

Be happy you both  thought gaara looking at his both blonde sisters with their partners


"Hahh" said Narumi as she jumped on her and Sasuke's bed.

"That kimono took the life out of me"

"Yeah, yeah. Today was a long day" said Sasuke sitting next to the girl.



"What you saw in me"


"I mean what you saw in me which attracted you"

Sasuke smiled looking at the roof

What I saw in her? Her personality? Her eyes? Her adorableness? Maybe everything about her attracted me...

But whenever she smiled me... My heart raced.

Right, her smile. That goofy smile of hers...

"Your smile"


"Your smile.... Whenever you smiled at me, my heart fluttered"

The girl smiled at him

"What you hate about me"

What I hate about her?

In my past life, whenever she saw me with sakura and me and her talked to her. A sad smile was still on her lips. I hated that look of her, her eyes held a sadness and her smile broke my heart every time I saw it.

"Your smile"


"Your smile, your sad smile"

"How in the world, a smile can be sad"

"It can... Let me give you a situation. What if I married sakura and I'm happy with her, how will you smile at me" as I said it, the same sadness filled in her eyes and escaped in form of tears.

"Hey! No need to cry. I'm not gonna Marry her"

She looked at me with teary eyes.

"That's what I hate about you, your tears" Said Sasuke as he buried the girl's face in his broad chest and rubbed circles on her back.

I can't even think about how much it hurted her when I actually married her... But no need to worry now. I will never repeat my mistake...

"Narumi" he looked at the said girl, who was now sleeping peacefully in his arms.

"I'm sorry, okay" he wrapped his arms around her as he himself fell asleep

Sorry for the late update...

960 words...

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