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After 2 weeks into the blonde's pregnency. Now, it was the time for the ultrasound. They both were really excited to see their baby.

"Ready ?" Asked the raven

"No but... Yes" said the nervous blonde

"Good, let's go" they both slowly walked to the hospital.

Tsunade told her to lay and raise her t-shirt. She did as said. Tsunade put some gel on her stomach. It felt cold and ticklish as Tsunade spreaded it all over her belly. She moved the probe over the area which had gel on it.

"See, over there... The little dot. That's your child" said the hazel eyed blonde pointing to the monitor

Narumi eyes watered when she saw what Tsunade was showing. Sasuke somehow managed to control his emotions. The moment was so emotional for the couple and Tsunade understood it well.

"Do you want a print of it?" She asked

"Please..." Answered the blonde trying to hold in her tears like the raven but failed miserably...

Tsunade gave her the print. They both headed to their home, kawaki was at Shikamaru's house playing with shikadai (they both are the same age here)

After looking at the print for long with a motherly feeling the blonde put it in a frame and placed the frame in the drawer too tired to hang it somewhere. With that she went to take a nap. Sasuke saw her go and he came near the drawer and opened it. He took the frame in his hands and stared the at dot. The tears he was holding finally flowed down his cheeks.

His dream of restoring his clan will finally become true... Just 9 months more...

"And I thought I was the only who was being emotional..." Said Narumi coming out of nowhere. She almost startled the raven.

"I thought you were..."

"Sleeping? Yeah I was supposed to do that but remember who I am? The best sensory type shinobi alive and ever will be. And these skills of mine are even more sharp now..."

"Sharp as ever, huh?" Chuckled Sasuke, his eyes again went to the dot then to his wife's stomach. Narumi's heart swelled with affection when she saw how the tall Raven's eyes softened while looking at her belly.

She knew that the raven felt the same about the life forming inside her. Not that they both didn't like Kawaki or didn't loved him enough. He will always be their first child but this child forming inside her was a little special for both of them...

It was their own part. Someone who will have the same features as them. Someone who will have the similar personality as them. It was hard to express that how happy they felt... Even saying that they were at the cloud 9 would be an understatement on how happy they were...

4 months later...

Sasuke's POV
Naru's baby bump was visible. She kept having mood swings and cravings all day. I always told her to not watch those sad movies. But... Y'know what? She doesn't listens to me these days. I'll admit it, it was becoming hard handling her day by day but I was waiting patiently for the result. After all this hardwork of mine and hers, we were hoping for the best.

About the Gender of our child, I wanted a baby girl who'll act just like her mother. The mini version or replica of hers. While Narumi was happy with both boy and girl. She just wanted the child to be healthy and happy. Being pregnant wasn't an easy task and I was getting it by observing Narumi.

Sometimes, I think about what my mother had experienced while she was carrying me inside her womb. My mother wanted a girl but Itachi... My big brother... Nī-san wanted a baby brother which he got later... I was the worst brother he could ever have... Wasn't I?

Mistakes, regret and... Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now