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(Sasuke's POV)

The next day

I woke up at 6:30, early as usual while my beloved wife was sleeping comfortably in my strong arms. I myself didn't knew when a gentle smile took it's place on my face. I out of all, sure wasn't a person who smiles often but it's different when I'm with the love, happiness, colour (s) and joy of this cursed life of mine. I don't know if it's cursed anymore... Not as long as the sunshine of my life is with me... Or should I say My wife.

Even in her past life, she loved me just the same way she does now...

Well after boruto ofcourse. She loved her children so much... Kawaki was like her oldest son... She would never admit it but he was her favourite. Even though he wasn't her biological son but her love towards him was... Immeasurable. She reminded him of my own mother when she was with him or boruto.

Wait... What month it is... March!

Right! Wasn't Kawaki was born in February the same year as now! We need to save him! Right we'll be save him! We'll... we'll adopt him. I know Narumi we'll be so happy to have him in her life... Again.

Luck was sure on my side, that's why me and naru got a mission near the place where Kawaki lived before being sold.

(AN: If you all are wondering how he knows this much about Kawaki... Let me tell me you that when kawaki was Unconscious after Narumi found him , on that time ino and sasuke had done a mind search on him , that's when he found out about his past and where he lived)

(3rd person's POV)

"Done" said Narumi finishing sealing all their essentials in scrolls. She put all those scrolls in a bag.

"Let's go" chirped Narumi with the bag on her back


"So, what was the mission again" asked the young blonde, as oblivious as ever 

"Some rogue ninjas from land of cloud were found near the land of wood (where kawaki lived before , made the name by myself. Nothing here is canon, expect some things) we need to go there and finish them off" the raven told his young wife

"Ohh" shuddered Narumi. Not wanting to kill anyone...

"Don't worry just kick their ass and I'll kill them for you"

"Thank you" said the blonde feeling relieved

"Hn" smiled Sasuke as he wrapped his arm around her and the blonde leaned.


After Narumi kicked their ass~

"Hahh! Done!" Exclaimed Narumi

"Good job, how about taking a rest as I know they were easy to kill but there were so much"

"Good Idea!" Said Narumi as she laid leaning on a tree and fell asleep soon

Sasuke smiled at her before leaving.

He knew she can take care of herself, his wife was a strong one afterall. He felt proud to have a person like her in his life.

With that thought he went to the house where Kawaki lived before...

By getting closer he heard a baby's cry. He rushed to the house... Only to find a baby crying  in its cradle. He went near the cradle, his eyes when he recognised the baby.

Yeah you guys are right, it's no other then our

He gently picked the baby in his arms and took him to his sleeping wife.


"Five minutes more" groaned the blonde feeling sleepy...

"Narumi wake up it's important"

"Okay~" said Narumi yawning

"What-" the girl gasped when she saw the crying baby in Sasuke's arms, she immediately took him from Sasuke. She cradled the baby after sometime he fell asleep holding the 17 year old as tight as his little hands could.  Narumi smiled at him before facing Sasuke.

"Whose baby is this?" She whispered not wanting to wake the little sleeping soul in her arms.

"I found him in a house which looked abandoned I don't know who left him there but when I found he was crying probably hungry"

"You did right" she smiled at him probably proud of her husband , meaning the raven ofc...

"We should take him to Konoha"

"Right, let's go now"

"Hn, as you say"  as you wish, my love...


In Konoha

"I'll go and report to the hokage while you go home with him" Said Sasuke

"Hai" said Narumi as she walked through the streets of konoha afraid that if she ran she might hurt the baby while Sasuke just sprinted to the hokage tower

Narumi met Ino on her way

"Narumi... Don't tell me this is your child"

"No, he's not. Sasuke found him in an abandoned house, this poor soul was crying badly none of us both had the heart to leave him there"

"Ohh... I'm sorry"

"No, don't be it's okay"

"Okay bye"


Narumi took the baby to their house and placed him on their bed and laid beside him.


"So, what are you thinking to do about the baby" asked Kakashi to Sasuke

"Probably adopt him" said Sasuke making Kakashi eyes wide

"You will?!" Asked the grey haired shocked at his mysterious student

"No we will, me and naru"

"It makes sense ig, you can go now"


When Sasuke entered his room his heart melted at the view on his bed. Narumi and Kawaki were sleeping peacefully...

He didn't wanted to disturb them so, he chose to tell Narumi when she'll wake up and with a smile on his face he himself laid on the bed beside his wife, he himself fell asleep hugging his wife from her back. Narumi was in the middle while Kawaki was on the left side and sasuke on right end of the bed...

Just a start of a Family...

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