hurt and confession

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Since the wave mission , Narumi is ignoring sasuke

I Messed it up , didn't I thought the raven haired Uchiha walking to narumi's apartment

In reality , Narumi hadn't talked to sasuke
She just went to her apartment after they reached Konoha and it's barely had been 29 minutes since she left for her apartment

The girl was just upset but sasuke wasn't having it.

He knocked on her door




"What happened" yelled the girl , clearly angry

"I'm sorry"

"I forgived you , now go" said the girl before shutting her door but before she could sasuke stopped it. She opened the door again

"Now , what"

"I'm sorry , naru"

"I already said I forgived you"

"But you didn't "

"Yes I did"

"You didn't"

"I did"

"You didn't"           ( If someone had watched
                                    Them fight , they sure
"I did"                          would've said
                                      ' you both fight like an
"You didn't"                   Old couple')

"I did"

"You did"

"I didn't"

"See ? You yourself said that you didn't"
Said the boy coming in and closing the door

"Who said you can come in"

"See , you haven't forgived me , yet
So , I won't leave until you forgive me"


The boy took her and sat her at a chair and took his seat on the other

"Naru , I didn't knew it would've hurted you this bad. You know me , if I had knew that this had happened why would I ever say that to you"

"So please forgive me"

"You said , you didn't have anyone except me. My condition is the same , naru. You're the only person this close to me "

"If you became angry on me then , who will talk to me "

"Huhh , I don't care. Go , talk to your fangirls"
Said the girl , puffing her cheeks like a child she was ( A 10 year old girl)

"Naru... You know , I hate them all..."

"Then find someone who you don't hate"

"Naru , I can hate the whole world but you..."


The boy looked at her

"Am I not even worth-hating for you"
Some tears slipped from her eyes

"Yes , you're not worth-hating"
The girl's heart shattered at his words

The girl started sobbing badly , sasuke placed his hand on her back , she looked at him with tears in her eyes

"Why would I love a worth-hating hating person , huh"

Narumi's eyes widened

"Yes , Uzumaki Narumi , I love you with all my heart"

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