For the best...

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3 months later...

Sasuke was doing the dishes while the 7 months pregnant Narumi was reading some scroll. Kawaki was asleep as it was 10 at night. Suddenly a thought came in the Raven's mind. What if she became Hokage?...

The question never crossed his genius of a mind  and the raven was cursing himself for that. He needed to do something fast or... The things will go out of his control. He'd managed to control everything according to him until now and will do anything to keep things the way they are. Doing it later was never something an Uchiha like him would do. So, he finished the dishes, washed his hands, took a shower and changed into his night wear. He went in his and Narumi's room. He looked at the scroll she was reading... Benifits of having Wind chakra nature and...

"Haven't you already mastered the wind chakra?" He asked

The blonde turned and answered "I have but... There's no loss in knowing more" her sensing were as fine as ever. She was the best sensory type ninja in the whole village, she may also be the best in the 5 great nations. Her skills were this perfect that it didn't took her, her eyes to aim she can fight really well with or without eyes. She was the best candidate for the Hokage position with her strength. She was no doubt the most powerful in the five Nations . Even with all his power Sasuke wasn't able to defeat her. It was obvious that Kakashi is going to make her his successor but... Sasuke didn't wanted it.

First of all...

Why the blonde wanted to be Hokage?
As far as he can remember she wanted to prove herself and wanted herself to be acknowledged. She was respected and acknowledged in the village more than Kakashi himself.

And the second...

What happened after she became Hokage?
All the stress in the world fell on her little shoulders. All the village's problems were on her. Being Hokage wasn't good for both her mental and physical health. She'd less time to spend with her family... With me...

I didn't wanted that after knowing all consequences of it.


"Yeah..." said the blonde her eyes still on the scroll

"What's your dream?"

"To have a happy ever after with you..."

"No not that... I mean professionally"

"Become Hokage ofc... Why do you ask?"

"I don't want you to..."


"I don't want you to become Hokage..."

"Sasuke do you know what you're saying..." Said the blonde her ocean eyes wide

"I know well. You shouldn't become Hokage. Tell Kakashi that you don't want to be his successor even if he wants you to..."

"Why will I say that?!"

"Cuz'I'm telling you to..."

Narumi wasn't getting it. Why is Sasuke bringing this topic. "Give me a reason why I should not become Hokage"

"I'm telling you not to... Ain't it enough?"

"It's not!"

"Narumi..." Said Sasuke gently, sitting next to the Blonde.

"It's the best for our future..."

"And how could you say that?"


"Narumi just think about our child and Kawaki if not me. Will you be able to give them enough time From your busy schedule... No, you won't be. So, understand what I'm trying to say... Why you wanted to be Hokage... This village was never yours. They Never accepted you and I don't want you to accept them, they don't deserve it. Trust me...
                         THEY. ARE. NOT. WORTH. IT!"

"I want everyone to acknowledge me... And My strength"

"Who doesn't acknowledge you and your strength Narumi... Everyone does. And about these fellow villagers of ours they're not important at all, if you get what I'm trying to say. They don't know you. The people who knows you acknowledges your strength and it's enough. No matter what, I'll always stay by your side. I know what I'm doing. Trust me... You won't regret it."

"And... If you still want to be Hokage then say bye to me... I won't be with you then..."

"S-sasuke what are you saying?"

"I'm saying right. It's your choice, choose those villagers who ruined your childhood or me..."

"If you choose to become Hokage then do it over my dead body-"

A loud sound was heard. Narumi's hand slapped Sasuke's cheek hard. The raven didn't flinch neither his expression changed. The blonde was in tears. "You... You... Okay, I won't become Hokage... But why you need to say that"

He smiled at her before pulling her in an embrace. The blonde sobbed in his chest while Sasuke rubbed her back. The blonde lightly punched his chest while crying... "Don't... Don't ever say that... Baka!"

"Don't worry, I won't..."

"I'll kick your ass hard if you say that ever again "

"Feel free to do so..." Whispered the raven

It didn't took her long to fall asleep in his arms. The raven covered her with blanket and switched off the lights.

It's not like he was actually going to leave her if she didn't listen to him. He knew he can't. He'd bugged her all day with the same topic everyday until she declines to be Hokage.

Seeing her cry hurted him bad but... It saved them both from suffering worse later. Sasuke tiredly rubbed his burning red cheek. His cheek sure hurted a lot but this was worth it as
It was for the best.

Mistakes, regret and... Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now