Baby issues

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They all prepared a room for airi, the princess of the house.

Kawaki was so happy to have such a adorable baby sister like airi

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Kawaki was so happy to have such a adorable baby sister like airi. Narumi and Sasuke made sure that their daughter wore the cutest clothes and that no germs came near the cute newborn.

It had been 3 months since airi was born. Everyone was giving her their whole attention including Kawaki. The baby girl had a deep attachment with her father, Sasuke. Sasuke too felt the same about his little princess.
It was like she was a part of him, like a piece of his heart.

The little raven was more then a daughter for Itachi. The long haired Uchiha felt a bond between him and the blue eyed raven.

Narumi had a emotional connection with the young raven. Her connection was way strong then anything. She was really protective of her daughter. The little raven seemed not to feel the same but it's to early to think she was just a 3 month old baby.


Narumi felt something soft on her cheek moving. She opened her eyes to see her baby's foot on her cheek. She was used to it now.
She got up and saw her husband sleeping. Airi head was near Sasuke's face, the older Raven's hand was still on his daughter's head.

After sometime he woke up and smiled at his daughter. He saw his wife standing in front of him. "Sasuke... The Last time I remembered wasn't airi in her cradle in her room?" Asked the blonde in a sweet voice

"Uhmm... Yeah, but! She... She... She was crying! Yeah! She was crying so, I took her here"

"Ohh, so, that's what happened..."

"Y-yeah... And she's too young too y'know"

"Ofc... I know" the blonde mentally chuckled at her husband. She knew that her daughter didn't cried as if she did, her sensitive ears would have heard it... But she heard nothing similar to her baby's cry. She knew Sasuke wouldn't be able to sleep without airi. He was really overprotective when it came to his daughter and wife. He thought that if left alone someone will kidnap his precious daughter

"Okay, get up. Remember you've a mission today with Itachi-nī-san? Take a shower, change, eat and then leave..."

"But, who will be with you then? You'll be alone Narumi. Alone with two children on your hands
... Who will take care of you?"

"Yes, I've two children on my hands but I'm no child. After Itachi-nī-san, I'm the strongest shinobi or should I say kunoichi alive. No one will mess with me"

"I know that but... Airi"

"Airi will be okay"

"If you say so..." He didn't wanted to leave but... His wife wouldn't let him live if he didn't go on the mission. He did what she said and went to the mission with his big brother.

Itachi wanted to chuckle at his little brother's depressed state but he too didn't wanted to leave but did he have a choice? No, he didn't. He knew the consequences of not going to the mission very well. It was not wise to make the blonde angry, afterall uzumaki's are famous for 3 things. Ist, their long, thick and silky hair.
2nd, their sealing techniques in short fuinjutsu. 3rd, their anger. Which he feared the most.

After bidding her big brother and husband goodbye, the blonde went in her big house. Kawaki's 3rd birthday had just passed by (the 9 months in pregnancy + airi is 3 months = 12 months (1 year).

Itachi had promised the 3 year old that after coming back from the mission he'll teach him some jutsu (s) of his. Kawaki was mature for his age. Unlike other kids, he wasn't jealous from his little sister getting all the attention. He was really happy. Narumi liked this thing about her son a lot. Today she'll give kawaki her attention not that she'll forget she had a daughter. No... She'll just give her a little less attention then normal. Afterall she knew that the young raven will sleep all day today expect waking up to be feeded. as her father and uncle, her favourite people were not here.

Kawaki loved his mother more then anything. The time she went sick he was really worried for her. His mother felt the same about him. He knew she loved him just like he do.

"Kawaki?" The blonde raven heard his mother's voice and rushed to her.

"Yes, mama"

"Come here" the blonde opened her arms for her son. The little boy ran to his mother. She wrapped her arms around his little body.

"Kawaki..." Said the blonde still hugging the boy

"Yes, mama"

"I'm sorry. I didn't gave you any time in this 3 months..."

"It's okay. I know you were busy with Airi"

"Y'know you're the best child ever..."

"Really! And you're the best mom ever! I love you!"

"Aww, I love you too, my baby. Kawaki is a good boy"

"Heee heee" the blonde giggled at his mother's compliments for him.

"Today, will be our mother - son day, okay ?"


The blonde Chuckled at her son's behaviour...

She was so happy that she took her with him...
He may not be connected to her by blood but he was deeply connected to her by heart...

886 words...

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