Airi's first day

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It was 5 am, when the little raven woke up. She went to her big brother's room and went inside it. Kawaki was sleeping peacefully there. Airi sighed, there came the hard part. Her brother was hard to wake up.

"Nī-san... Kawaki nī-san! Wake up!"

"Today's your first mission! Wake up! Lazy nī-san!"

The raven was now getting angry as she head a small temper "WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!!!"

Her yell echoed in the whole room. Some footsteps can be heard. Their parents came to see what happened.

"What happened, dear?" Said Sasuke gently

"Papa, nī-san ain't waking up"

"Ohh, don't worry. Leave it to your mother. Let's get you ready for academy" said Sasuke as he took his daughter's finger and walked upstairs leaving the matter to his wife. Narumi shook her head and walked towards her son's bed.

She smiled at him and said "ohh! Sasuke you brought taiyaki! Ohh you brought custard flavour! What a tragedy,  kawaki is still asleep... He'd love to eat them!"

After some Seconds the blonde raven woke up
"Where's taiyaki" the blonde chucked at her son. "I've packed some in your lunch, come on! Today's your first mission, you forgot?"

"No! I didn't but still thank you for waking me up"

"Okay... Go Take a bath till I'll be prepare breakfast!"

"Hai!" The 8 year old jumped from his bed and went in the bathroom

The blonde smiled and left for kitchen.

Soon after, everyone left for their work. Itachi had some improvement work with the Hokage, Sasuke and Narumi were on a mission. Kawaki was going to meet his new team and airi was going to experience her first day in academy. After their parents left. Kawaki took his little sister to academy and told her that he'll be back to take her so she shouldn't leave without him. The little girl agreed to his brother , who she always looked up to.

On her first day, the little girl became the childhood crush of many boys, she had Uchiha genes running in her blood afterall. Almost everyone tried to befriend her but she rejected everyone having the personality of her father.

About kawaki, he got Sumire and Mitsuki as his
Teammates and for Sensei, it was Konohamaru just like his mother wanted but it was unknown to him and most likely he will never know it.

Kawaki was happy to have Sumire, his childhood bestfriend, as his teammate and about Mitsuki, he wasn't bad too.

As their first mission. They were to find a ninja cat out of Normal cats and for that they needed to act like a cat themselves. The three 8 year olds were gives fake cat ears for that.

All the cats seemed to like them all. Some cats went to Mitsuki, some went to Sumire and some of them came near kawaki rubbing their heads on their legs affectionately. Mitsuki picked one in his arms and played a little with it. Sumire almost forgot the mission in between the cats, it was Kawaki who reminded her that they had a mission to do too.

They searched and searched... In the end, it was Mitsuki who found the cat by sensing its chakra. All praised him. Mitsuki just smiled, later he Asked his sensei, if he could take a kitten home with him. Konohamaru Asked the owner and they luckily agreed on a condition. The condition was quite, the owner told him that he must be taking care of the baby cat then, Mitsuki agreed. With that they all completed their first mission completely.

Now for airi, the day was boring for her. She already knew everything which was being taught by Shino. Her father and Uncle had already taught her basically everything. Then, There was a tai-jutsu, hand to hand combat.

Airi was paired with a boy, who thought of himself as a king or something, well, that's what our little raven thought. They botIt didn't took her seconds to Take down the boy.

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