His concern

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Sasuke was pacing back and fourth with a worried look on his face while his 2 year old son was mimicking him with the same expression on his face.

Tsunade came out of the room and looked at them both. "The results will be ready next week so come next Monday to take them and for now you can take her home but don't forget to take her here often for check ups and tell me if something happens. For today, let her rest"

"Hai, let's go kawaki"

"Tō-san?" The 21 year man turned to face his son

"What happened, Kawaki?" Said Sasuke crouching next to the boy to meet his height

"Will... Mama be okay?" Asked the boy with a sad look on his baby face

Sasuke smiled and said "even if something were to happen to her, I promise you I wouldn't let that happen, Not on my watch"
his words comforted the child very much

"Let's take your mom home now"

"Hai" smiled the raven-blonde

Sasuke went inside the room and carried the unconscious girl on the bed in his arms. He made a shadow clone to carry kawaki. He and his clone sprinted to their house.  That he'd brought on Kawaki's first birthday.

Sasuke wasn't getting it, yesterday was Kawaki's 2nd birthday. Narumi had held a little party just for them as Kawaki doesn't like people that much. Everyone was happy and today morning Narumi was energetic as usual.

Sasuke's POV
I'd a short mission but when I returned in the evening, Narumi was throwing up. Kawaki told me she didn't ate all day. Something sure wasn't good so, I immediately took her to the godaime. On her way to the hospital, she fainted making me more worried then I already was.

I putted kawaki to sleep as it wasn't good for young kids to be awake that late and went to my and Narumi's room upstairs. I opened the door and sat near her. I kept my hand on her cheek carresing it. She slowly opened her ocean eyes. "S-sasuke" came out from her lips.

"How are you feeling now?"

"I'm fin-"

"Don't you dare lie to me!" Her eyes moved here and there, she is probably making up something in her mind

"I just ate so much ramen yesterday... T-that's why..."

"You fainted because of the ramen, hn"

"Ahh... R-righ-" I placed my hand on her mouth stopping her from lying anymore to me

"Please..." I pleaded

"Tell me, I have the right to know, don't I?" I removed my hand from her mouth

"I don't know it myself... I was perfectly fine in the morning but when I made ramen for my breakfast... The smell made me throw up. I don't know what it is... It never happened to me before as you yourself know how much I love ramen. When you were taking me to baa-chan, I just... Felt weak and... Blacked out"

"You should've told me before"

"But You were on a mission"

"I Don't care if I fail the mission but... Just think what if something were to happen to you and I would've been be doing the mission without knowing... I don't know what your life is to you but it's really important for me. If I die-" Before I could finish my sentence she slapped her hand on my mouth and slowly shaked her in 'no' with tears forming in her eyes. I caught both of her hands and said

"Let me finish it... If I died you would still have some people to look after you but...
Don't be selfish just think about me, who I have? No one, Narumi, no one. It's just you and kawaki for me. Think about kawaki, both of us know how much he's attached to you. So, please if something happens next time the first thing you'll do will be informing me, okay"

"Hai" Sasuke smiled at her before wrapping his arms around her, she snuggled deep into him. They both broke the hug. Sasuke fondly poked her forehead with his index and middle finger joined and kissed the part where he poked.

The blonde smiled with a beautiful blush adorning her heavenly face, she was really happy to have someone like him  in her life. Sasuke made her feel that she needs to live more, more so she could spend more time with him. 9 years ago she hated him well... Hate is a big word.

At first, she wanted to be his friend as he was lonely too... He knew what she felt but when she saw how good he was in the academy and that, that everyone praised him. The village treated him like a prince. She thought it would be better for them to be rivals as how in the world A demon and A prince can be friends but a demon being jealous from a prince suited better. But still... Here she is... Being his wife or should I say Life  she thought she just got lucky in it but did she knew how much the duckbutt Uchiha had did... For him and her to have this life? No. That's what Sasuke wants it to be... a secret that will go with him to his grave....

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