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Tsunade reached Sasuke's apartment and knocked on the door. Sasuke opened it quickly

"What happened, Uchiha brat " Said the older woman

"Narumi's having a High fever" the busty blonde looked at him with narrowed eyes then went to their room

The sick blonde was breathing heavily , Tsunade checked her temperature .

"105° Fahrenheit "  Tsunade gasped

"Had she waken up , yet" she asked the last Uchiha who stood at the entrance of him room

"No" he answered

Tsunade looked at the girl with worry filled eyes , she carresed her cheek before sternly looking at the Uchiha "leave the room"

Sasuke obeyed her order

Tsunade undressed the younger blonde's upper body only to see a black , cat shaped mark on her back. Tsunade's eyes widened , she covered the shivering blonde with a warm blanket before going to the Uchiha.

"Sasuke" the said person looked at the older blonde

"Tell me what happened tomorrow"
Sasuke told her almost everything that happened tomorrow expect Narumi being topless and all...

"Sasuke... I think a old cat had placed a curse on her... If we don't do something quick Narumi will end up dead"

Sasuke heart rate went high

"B-but why?"

"The cat must've thought of Narumi as a intruder who manipulated you "

"S-so , what should I do now?"

"Go to the cat garden and find the cat who did it and ask him to cure Narumi"

Sasuke nodded and chanted some words before entering the cat garden

Sasuke looked here and there for his most loyal cat, Taya , A jet black cat.

"Taya!  Taya! " Sasuke called for the black furball , the said cat came running to him and bowed "hai! Master Sasuke"

"Yesterday, I came here with my future mate and some of the old cat here cursed her"

Taya thought for some time before answering
"Master! I think it's miko ,  that old hag is the only cat who despise intruders"

"Calll her right now !" Sasuke ordered

"Hai! Master" with that the cat went to find the old cat

Taya came back with a big fat cat

"Yes master" said the old cat

"Miko! Did you curse Narumi? "

"Narumi? Who's Narumi , master?" The cat said trying to be innocent

"Narumi is my future mate! "

"But master... You hadn't marked her so, how could I know that she's your mate"

"Arghh... , First tell me how to cure her "

"Master , first you need to mark her in three ways. First , the cat way . Second , the hawk way and third, the snake way.

Then, you need to exchange rings so, that you both could be each other's future mate. After doing all that, the curse will come out itself"

"But master! Remember one thing , if you don't Marry her in the next five years ,her condition will be the same as now and if a situation like this comes not even I will be able to help you"


Sasuke went out of the cat garden to inform Tsunade

"So... Is there any way" Tsunade asked Sasuke with worry

"Yeah..." Sasuke told the slug princess what the old cat said to him



"I want to ask you a question"

"Go ahead..."

"Do you... Do you love Narumi ? "

"With all my heart" his answer made Tsunade smile

"Then do what the cat told you to... and I'll be coming back after sometime. In the meantime , you can mark her"

"Hn" Tsunade left Sasuke's apartment

Sasuke went to the younger blonde who was still in a bad condition.

He removed the blanket from her and looked for spots to bite and mark her. Her neck seemed to be a good spot for Marking in snake way.

He chanted some words and his canines became like snake's. He bited the girl on neck . Blood drawed out from her bare skin. Next the hawk way , Sasuke chanted some different words and his nails became a hawk's  claws .

He found her side Belly to be a good spot , then he wrote Sasuke's  there . Suddenly, his possessiveness took over his mind  and he wrote Sasuke's only  too.

Then , it was time for the cat's mark . He chanted some words and his snake like canines now became like a cat's canines. He was finding a good spot for the cat mark but found none on her upper body. He removed her pants , leaving her in her panties.

He found those juicy thighs of her a good spot.
He carefully bited her , not wanting to damage any nerve.


The marking process was over!

Tsunade came at the right time with Narumi and Sasuke's dress for their engagement , not forgetting the rings.

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(AN: the next chapter will be the engagement and don't forget to tell 'do you like these rings'

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(AN: the next chapter will be the engagement and don't forget to tell 'do you like these rings'
. Thanks for reading readers , love you all ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️)

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