one step closer

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At 5:30 , sasuke woke up and smiled when he noticed the girl sleeping next to him.

He took a bath , made breakfast for him and his Narumi and ate his breakfast. He walked to the sleeping girl and carried her back to her apartment as he didn't wanted her to know she slept next to him .

After his morning training , he again went to her apartment to wake her up.

"Naru...Naru , wake up or you'll be late for test" he said shaking her gently

"Ahhh... , Who's there"

"Naru , it's me now wake up"


"Yeah , yeah now wake up or I'll leave without you"

"Hai , hai" said the girl yawning and spreading her arms in air

The girl did her morning routine and came back to sasuke

"Let's go" said the girl excited for her test

"Unn-huh , first come with me"


"Don't question , just come "

"Okay..." Sasuke took Narumi to his apartment

"Why you took me here"

"I have made breakfast for you"

"But sensei said-"

"Forget what he said or you won't have the strength to fight" the blue-eyed angel thought about it and found it right

"Hmm... You're right , so... What you have for me"

"Ramen"  the blonde girl's eye shone

"Ramen~ , where ?"

"First sit, here" the boy rhymed

Sasuke placed the hot ramen's bowl in front of her , only for her to finish it in seconds

Sasuke chuckled when he saw some ramen broth on her face. He took out a hankerchip and cleaned her mouth , the girl watched him with a light blush on his face.

Was he always this handsome... Thought Narumi

Sasuke noticed it and did a metal happy dance.
Just a little more time then I'm sure she'll fall for me for sure...

Narumi looked at sasuke's wall , her eyes widened. Sasuke asked her

"What happened "


"He'll not come until 11 or 12 am"

"And how you can say that"

"Did a little research on him"

"Hmm... , You're not that of a teme I guess" said narumi standing up

"I was never one from the starting" said sasuke doing the same

"So , what should we do in the mean time"

"Training" the girl's face lighten up on the word

After their training
( I suck at fighting scenes , nor do I like writing them . So , you won't find any fighting scene in any of my books)

"That was a good round" said Narumi stretching her arms

"You're improving" Narumi blushed a little and said "thank you" in a cheerful manner

"So , how about going to training ground 7 "

"Some time still is left but... Yes , we can go"
Said sasuke looking at his clock , it was 10:39

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