(5 years later)

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"Airi!!!" Narumi's voice echoed through the whole house.

The 5 year old ran to her father.

"Papa... Mama is scolding me" said the little girl hugging her father's legs, looking up at him with teary eyes.

"Narumi... She's still a child" said Sasuke taking his little daughter in his arms.

"You've spoiled her Sasuke..."

"What? Ain't your Kawaki spoiled too?" The blonde gasped. "I've spent years not even caring about him and my son wasn't even angry on me for avoiding him for your spoiled daughter!"

"See... Narumi you'll ruin your health... Like that . Stop being grumpy... Take a break. How about going on a vacation, huh?"

"Don't sweet talk me, Uchiha!"

Sasuke sighed. He can win against anyone but his wife...

Sasuke sat his daughter down and told her to go with her brother.

"Come..." Whispered the raven softly, opening his arms.

"What?" Said the blonde as obvious as ever

Sasuke sighed and went close to her. He wrapped his arms her waist. Within a blink of eye she was in his arms.


"What... We're still young"

"You're not!"

"What? I'm just 26!"

"Hahh! Old hag!"

"Yeah... Yeah... And you're still a kid..."

The blonde stilled in his arms with her eyes wide open. Sasuke bit his tongue when he realised his mistake... He looked at the 24 year old blonde in his arms who looked like she was Unconscious with her eyes open. But he knew she was not.

"Naru..." The blonde looked at him, her  expression not changing.

"Ohhh God..."

"Naru... You're still young y'know" Sasuke knew he shouldn't have said this cuz'the girl who was concerned about her age at 19... Yeah , 19!
Just think... She's 24 now.


"You sure..." The blonde asked again

"Yesss... You're the prettiest... For me"

"What about others?"

"Does it matter?" asked the raven with his hands on her waist and his head in the crook of her neck.

The blonde smiled "never..." She whispered...

"Now, how about going... To shopping"

"Yeah... Yeah... Coming" she looked really gorgeous to be honest her outfit was a simple one which she wore everyday.

 Coming" she looked really gorgeous to be honest her outfit was a simple one which she wore everyday

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(The outfit she wears now.
Nothing to do with the hair)

She'd turned out to be a gorgeous woman. Many woman envied her Beauty and some were jealous. She was a young mother. Her health wasn't the best though. She just got caught in a big accident. It was a miracle that she was alive but was there anything impossible for the nine tails jinchuruki.

About airi she was going to be enrolled in academy this week. The Jasmine pearl necklace was always in her neck.

 The Jasmine pearl necklace was always in her neck

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(How airi looks)

The little raven looked really adorable. Her blue eyes were difficult to differentiate from her mother's eyes. Her shoulder length raven hair were the same like her father's.
Sasuke adored his daughter while the mother and daughter fought the most of time. Not like they didn't love each other. Narumi loved her little daughter more than her life but the little raven was too young to understand that.

Kawaki loved his little sister a lot and protected her from everything that can hurt her. The siblings shared a unique bond. It reminded Sasuke and Itachi of their bond.

Kawaki just became a genin being the prodigy. His mother had taught him a lot of jutsu. Kawaki felt really proud and happy when people talked to him about his mother being the hero of konoha. His father was really popular too. Being the eldest child of them came with big responsibilities. He always made sure to do better then what's expected from him. He was going to do his first mission soon while his little sister will go to the academy.

Narumi was really caring when came to someone from her family.  Konohamaru became a jōnin last year, he soon became a sensei. Narumi had told Kakashi to place him as Kawaki's sensei. Kakashi agreed instantly afterall, she was his favourite student more like a daughter to him. Seeing her grow up and have children made him feel old and happy at the same time.

Everything was going just as Sasuke wanted. Maybe, even better... He would do anything to keep the things the way they're...

Sorry for the small chapter. I'll try to make the next chapter more interesting.

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