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Sasuke took a really good care of Narumi but her health didn't improved. She wasn't able to eat ramen but Tomato seemed tasty to her. Yes! I'm talking about the same Tomato who she despised but here she is munching happily on it. Sasuke couldn't help but stare as she ate the whole... Right! The whole Tomato!. It was a really rare view to see.

Sasuke made his mind to pay a visit to Tsunade as the situation wasn't improving and there was something wrong with her too. Despite all the yelling of Narumi, her telling him that she's feeling really good he still took her to hospital.

"I take it as the condition didn't improved" said Tsunade looking at the 21 year old raven with a 19 year old blonde in his arms.

"Right... She even ate a whole Tomato! You Heard me right! A whole fucking Tomato!"

"What's wrong with it. It was just a... Wait. What you said?"


"Right, it's just a... Tomato. Wait, she. Ate. A. Tomato."

"Yes! That's what I'm telling you"

"I'll take some tests and will give you all the results on 21/2 , okay"


"Till then, take care of her"

"I'll" said Sasuke as he walked out of the building to his house. To his room upstairs.

"You're worrying too much" said Narumi as Sasuke layed her down on their bed.

"Naru, you don't get sick easily and you eating a tomato is not normal. The whole situation is telling me something is wrong with you" said Sasuke sitting beside her

"You're not wrong. I'm getting tired a lot these days... Wait! Does this means I'm aging" said Narumi, sitting up quickly.

"You're 19 not 90! So, stop worrying about this already"

"Really, I still look young"

"Trust me or not. People still mistake you for a 14-16 year old girl"

"They do?"

"Right, you still look beautiful as always" said Sasuke as he remembered his past.

How could I forget... If it weren't for those dark circles under her eyes and all the stress marks, she still looked like a 17 year old girl and her height helped a lot to make her look young even in her 30's. Uzumaki really age slow, don't they?. how good it had been if Uchiha's would've been like this too...

A Little blush flew on her natural pink cheeks as she smiled fondly at him and placed her head on his chest as he was laying down. A smile itself took it's place on Sasuke's face as Narumi wrapped her arms around his neck. His fingers automatically ran through her silky golden hair.

"Sasuke..." Whispered the girl softly for only Sasuke to hear.

"Yes?" Said Sasuke in the same loving tone

"I think... There's something wrong with my eyes too, I just can't take them off you. No matter how much I try to. It's not a recent thing. It's been like for years..."

"It's my problem too..." Chuckled Sasuke softly

"But... I'm happy with it" said the raven

"Why?" Asked our blonde

"What type of husband would like to have his wife look at others but him"

"Aww... You're jealous, Sasuke" teased the girl

"No... Afraid. That some stranger will come and take you away from me... Forever" said Sasuke as the last moments of his past life flashed through his eyes like a nightmare.

"Ahh~ not happening. You're stuck with me till death do us apart and trust even in the afterlife I won't leave you alone and if I die-"
Before she could finish her sentence Sasuke shushed her and placed his index finger on her lips.

"Don't..." Pleaded Sasuke as tears brimmed in his coal eyes

"Hey! If I'm gonna die. I'm going to take you with me too, I can't afford to leave you alone, y'know" said Narumi as she cupped Sasuke's face with her hands. Sasuke sniffled, Narumi tilted her head in a confused but cute manner. The couple chuckled then looked confused at  eachother.

"Why you laughed?" Asked both of them in sinc

"Well, I laughed cuz' you looked like a baby who didn't got candies when you sniffled" said Narumi making Sasuke glare playfully at her.

"I laughed cuz' you looked cute tilting your head like that"

"Really?" Asked the young girl

"Really, you don't look your age at all"

"Ehh! And you said I wasn't aging!"

Sasuke sighed, the blonde was really an  airhead Sometimes, but as she said he was stuck with her...

"I mean, you look younger than your age. Not older"

"Then, say it that way, 'ttebayo. I was really thinking that I'm looking like an old hag"

Sasuke sighed again

"I'm telling you this for second time this day, you don't look old and why are you worried about this out of the blue?!"

"I myself don't know.... But lately I'm feeling insecure of myself. Like my weight, looks, etc."

This again told him that something was wrong with her, he just needed to find what it was...

Guys! It's 9k views already. So, let's aim for 10k now. I'll update next on 10k view and I'll also tell you guys what's wrong with our sunshine. So, I will see you on 10k guys.

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