The Arrival

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After 1 month

The god of genjutsu aka Uchiha Itachi finally came to konoha. He scolded Sasuke Even for the smallest things, the blonde always chuckled at his overprotective behaviour towards her.

The one month passed like wind...

Today was 19 November, the blonde's due date. Itachi was so glad that he came as his brother was doing nothing but panick. Kawaki was left with Itachi while Sasuke took her to hospital. Sasuke's heart seemed like it'll come out of his chest any moment. He was literally panicking.

After what it seems like years, a cry of a baby echoed the hospital. Sasuke's heart beat stopped for a second there. After some minutes Tsunade came out of the room and sasuke ran to her breathing heavily.

"Calm... Uchiha. They both are okay and... It's a girl. Congratulations on being a dad"

"C-can... I-"

"See them? Yes, you can but don't disturb her she's tired" whispered the hazel eyes blonde before leaving. The Uchiha slowly opened the door and went inside.

He saw the Cradle near the bed. He went close to it, his heart beat raising with each step he took. He looked inside it to see his daughter sleeping peacefully. A tear flowed down his cheek and landed on the newborn baby. The baby opened her eyes. Sasuke saw her eyes.
She was a beautiful child for sure.

Porcelain skin that matched his own. Blue gems for eyes just like her mother and raven hair like the midnight similar to his own. She didn't had whiskers but overall she was the cutest girl ever lived for Sasuke.

"Airi..."  Whispered the raven as he carefully held the newborn in his arms. The child just stared at the man who held her close to his chest. Her tiny hand reached for his finger and held it with the strength she had.

SHE IS SO CUTE!  This was the only thought that came in the Raven's mind as he looked at his daughter.

"S-sasuke" he heard a weak voice. He turned to see his wife awake.

"It's a girl" he Said to his wife

"Told ya'"

"Yeah" he placed the child next to her mother. The blonde looked at her child with affection filled eyes. Sasuke's heart melted at the scene. The blonde kissed her baby's tiny palm.

"Sasuke... Take care of her. I'm tired" the raven nodded and took the baby girl in his arms and sat on a chair near the bed.

It was reasonable that the blonde was hella tired. It was 4 am in the night, she never woke up this early. The joy of being a father took away Sasuke's sleep. He'd been waiting for this day for so long and the fact that his daughter was this adorable was enough to keep him awake.

He dressed his little angel in

He dressed his little angel in

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She looked the cutest. After sometime the blonde woke up and feeded her daughter.

After some days, she was discharged from hospital. She'd to stay because of the weakness. Itachi and kawaki both were becoming impatient, day by day waiting for the new member of their family. Kawaki was drawing and Itachi was helping him when they both heard the knocking on the door. They both rushed to the entrance of the big House. Itachi opened the door.

They both came in. "Where?" Asked Itachi lacking words for the first time in his life.

Sasuke placed the baby in his arms. "She is a girl, we will call her Airi" told Sasuke

Itachi looked at the baby girl who seemed to stare at him with her big blue orbs. Her hair colour matched his own.

Kawaki puffed his cheeks feeling he was being ignored by the others. Narumi saw this and chuckled. She took the baby from Itachi and knelt down to match Kawaki's height. This time Itachi was the one who puffed his cheeks.

"Kawaki, meet your little sister. Airi"

"Airi, baby. Meet your big brother kawaki"

Sasuke smiled at the little but cute introduction his wife did.

"Hi, ai-ri. I'm big bro! Kawaki" said the little boy. The baby blinked at him.

"Mama, why ain't she a answering. She doesn't like me?"

"No, baby. She's a baby. She can't speak yet"

"Heh! Really"

"Yeah, when you were her age you couldn't speak either"

"Really, but I don't remember anything..."

"Ofc, you won't. You were just a baby back then. When airi will grow up she won't remember this either..."


"Enough introduction, now let me introduce myself to my niece" said Itachi as he took his niece from the blonde. Narumi and Sasuke chuckled at the older raven's behaviour.

"Itachi-nī-san, wait here I'll be back soon" said the blonde as she went in her room. She came back with a box. She opened it revealing the same Jasmine pearl necklace. She put in the baby's neck. "Narumi I don't think it's safe" said Itachi

"Don't worry, it I've talked to the jweller about this. He made it baby friendly"

"Then, it's okay..."

I'll be updating all my stories as today's our sunshine's birthday!!!

Happy birthday Naruto! 

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