the test

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The couple walked in training ground 7 with holding hands .

They both sat together under a tree .

Sakura was watching them from not so far away . The couple hadn't noticed her , yet .

Sasuke placed narumi's head on his shoulder , gently. The girl encircled both of her arms around sasuke's arm , on whom's shoulder she was leaning on .

There was a comfortable silence between them , they both were enjoying the moment but someone sure wasn't.

Sakura was staring both of them with sad eyes
She wanted to be in narumi's place so bad...
But still couldn't...

She stared at the blonde girl , who was nothing but an eyesore for her

She wanted to kill her so bad but her sasuke-kun was so kind that he always saved the blondie

That's when our late Hatake came

"Sorry , an old woman was going to a mountain with so many luggage so I just needed to help her... " Kakashi looked at his soon-to-be students or not

A raven haired Uchiha was leaning on a tree with a blonde girl who was sleeping with her head on his shoulder. The boy was looking at her with affection in his eyes...

The sandaime had told him about the boy coming from the future and his love towards the blonde...

He thought about testing the boy so, he threw a shuriken at the girl thinking about caughting him off gaurd but Sasuke caught it before it touched his girl .

The boy murderously glared at the silver headed man with his sharingan on in both the eyes as he turned off his rinnegan. The mangekyo sharingan shocked Kakashi.

"If you wanna test me then attack on me... Not her" the boy said with killing intent lacing in his each word

His words didn't affect Kakashi , as usual

Sasuke gently woke Narumi

Narumi and sasuke teamed up in the test , Narumi came to sakura , offering her to teamup but... Who she was? A Banshee

She rudely rejected

Narumi distracted Kakashi while sasuke took the bells . He kept one for himself and gave the another one to his girl.

Kakashi came and tied sakura to a tree and warned the two to eat their food without giving any to the pinkie.

Narumi being the angel she is , feeded all of her food to sakura . Sasuke knew the blue-eyed blonde is hungry , so he feeded his food to her as he just can't feed the banshee.

When sasuke was feeding his girl , Kakashi suddenly jumped in and...

"YOU" he said in an angry voice , clouds were starting to form in the sky

"Pass~" the climate changed in an blink of eye

"Hehhhh" said narumi

"Didn't you said that we're going to fail "

"It was a trick , my kawaii little genin"
Sakura sweatdropped at his nickname for Narumi

"I'm not Little or kawaii or anything..."

"You're the youngest , ain't you"

"Uhh... , Yes..."

"And by your looks , you sure are kawaii"

"Ahhhnn , don't call me that"

"Why... Should I call you kawaii naru-chan instead"

"Noooooo , little genin is good"

"Kawaii little genin , naru-chan~"
Naru surrendered

"We'll start our missions tomorrow onwards"

"Haii" yelled an overjoyed Narumi

"Now , Narumi you can leave"

"Ehh , why ? Are you training them and not me?"

"No , no my kawaii little genin. I'm going to give them a lecture , do you want one ? "

"But why sasuke too ? He didn't did anything wrong"

"Naru-chan~ , I'm going to praise him"

"Okay , ok I'm leaving but don't call me naru-chan" with that the youngest member of team seven left...

Kakashi looked at both of his new students

"I'll start with sakura"

"Sakura , didn't my kawaii genin came to you , telling to teamup"


"Y-yes... She came" stuttered sakura , afraid of her new sensei

"Sakura! Don't ever treat your teammate like some demon"

"We all are alive , beacause of that girl"

"If she haven't had the kyuubi sealed inside her... We all would have been dead long ago"

Kakashi lectured sakura for more then half an hour...

"Now, I'm done with you , sakura. You can leave" the girl ran from there with some fake tears in her eyes

Kakashi turned to sasuke

"Hmm... , It's your turn now , Loverboy"
Sasuke grunted at the last part

"As I said to my kawaii little genin , I'll praise you"

"I'll praise you for your intelligence..."

"I'm sure , that you don't like sakura

So , to avoid feeding her... You fed my kawaii genin , hahhnnn..."

"What a mind..."

"So, now I'll leave" with that Kakashi shunshined

Sasuke shunshined to narumi's apartment , he really wanted to see that the girl reached home safely or not...

He knocked on the door

"Coming" came narumi's voice making sasuke smiled a little in relief

After sometime , the door opened revealing the adorable blonde , giving him her best sunny smile...

dekiru65 , it's chapter 5

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