here you are...

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After some waiting , Narumi came...

"Took you late enough"

"I had some work to do 'ttebayo" said the girl pouting

"Yeah , yeah , now hurry up and sit" sasuke said motioning the girl to sit near him

As the girl sat near him , sasuke heart felt content , like a broken piece was back now...

"So , now tell me how you passed"

"First , you promise me you won't laugh"

"Why would I laugh ? You ain't telling me some joke "

"Just promise"

"Okay okay I won't laugh"

"Ok , I'll start now"

"After Iruka sensei failed me , I went to sit at my usual swing as I was sad. Y'know I always sit there when I'm sad. Mizuki told me that I could pass if I stole a scroll from the hokage tower and learn a jutsu from it "

Wait , this happened...


"You won't laugh"

"This isn't a joke , naru" said the boy poking the girl's soft cheeks , the girl slapped his hand away

"Keep your hands off me"

"You didn't bath today"

"Shut Up !!!"

"Okay okay I won't touch you but atleast tell me , why"

"What do you mean by 'why' "

"I meant , do you have a boyfriend or something' that you're reserved now"

"No no no noooooo" the girl shaked her head in denial

"Then why , you have a skin disease"

"Noooooo , my skin is healthy"

"Then , why" the girl thought about it


Sasuke took her finger and poked his own Cheek by her finger

"See ? Now Stop being a sexist. We're future teammates and comrades , things like this are normal for us "

"I'm not a sexist" the girl puffed her cheeks


"I'm not"

"Leave that... and continue telling me how you graduated" Narumi thought about it and Said

"Good Idea , so where I was... Ha "

"I did-"



"Why you thought that I'll laugh at you"

"Let me continue-"

"First, tell me" Narumi muttered some incoherent words


"Cuz' , I did as he said being a fool"

"What , I didn't hear you"

"Cuz' , I did as he said Being a fool !!!" yelled the blonde girl

Sasuke chuckled , Narumi got up

"See ? I said that you'll laugh"

"I'm not laughing on that"

"Yes , you're"

"And how you know"


"Narumi , you did as he said cuz' you're naive and innocent. It was not your fault and I know that in future you won't be able to kill someone"

"And how you know"

"It's a secret "

"You and your secrets" Narumi sat back again

"So , now continue"

"I already told you , that I did as he said"

"After that , Iruka sensei came and I told him that he'll pass me if I learned a jutsu from this scroll. Iruka sensei denied , suddenly mizuki came . Then , they both had a conversation , that's when I found out that I'm the kyuubi's jinchuriki. It was hard for me to take that information but somehow I did it when Iruka sensei acknowledged me..."

Hmm... I never knew that's how she found out about her being jinchuriki...

"The jutsu I learned from the scroll was shadow clone jutsu , I used multi-shadow clone jutsu to defeat him. Iruka sensei gave me his hitai-ate "

"So... , That's how I graduated"

"Who could've thought , you graduated like this"


"So... , Narumi..."


"Are we friends , now"

"Yes , we are " the girl said grinning.

The Uchiha moved his fist forward , Narumi got what he wanted to do and bumped her fist with him

Sasuke layed down on his back and asked

"Narumi" Narumi did as the boy did and said


"Have you ever hugged anyone"

Narumi thought about it and said

"Yes , I always sleep hugging my pillow"

"No , not like that "

"So , like what"

"I mean person , have you ever hugged a person"

"No..." The girl sadly said

"No need to be sad , you can hug me if you want"

"You ?"

"Who said friends can't hug , all friends hug Narumi" he said opening his arms for her

Narumi smiled widely and jumped in his arms

Sasuke hugged her back , affectionately caressing her back. Narumi's arms surrounded sasuke's neck .

Sasuke broke the hug only to place the blonde's head in his chest . He moved his fingers in her hair while the other hand was caressing her back again.

Narumi was in this much content that she didn't knew when she fell asleep.





Bad thoughts started coming in sasuke's mind when the blonde did't answer back. He looked at the sleeping figure in his arms and heard the cute snors coming from her and took a sigh of relief.

He gently carried her to his apartment and laid her on his bed . He closed the door.

He laid beside the girl and placed a hand on her cheek . The moonlight was hitting her face , highlighting her beautiful features . Sasuke fell asleep admiring the sleeping beauty...

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