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AN: readers!!! We just crossed 0.5k views on this story You're reading rn. This chapter is gift for you all as you guys supported me so much!!!

Days passed ,

Narumi met Jiraiya , sasuke learnt chidori again and now he can use it freely

Narumi learnt rasengan

chunin exam came

Tsunade became hokage. Hiruzen had left a scroll for the next hokage. In the scroll , things about sasuke being from future were written...

Everything happened the same ,Team 7 did so many missions togather

1 year passed , Narumi and sasuke became so close. Then, the day came for Narumi to leave the village for her training

After she left the village became lifeless , the village looked like it lost her heart...

Those 3 years were hell for sasuke , he Missed her bad , man...

Sasuke took out his agony while training , making him more strong then he already is...

These 3 years were like 300 years or more for sasuke

After 3 years

Today some people in Konoha were filled with joy , after all today was the day their sunshine was coming.

Sasuke had requested Tsunade , when narumi will come she'll inform him first .

Tsunade gently smiled at the boy and agreed

It was 1 pm in the noon , when the sunshine of konoha stepped in , in her birthplace

The 14 year old girl filled with enthusiasm , climbed on the longest pole in Konoha and yelled


Her yell reached sasuke's ear first and he looked, that's when he noticed her blonde hair on the longest pole of konoha. He dashed to where the blonde was...

"NARUMI" he yelled , the girl fell from the pole beacause of the voice

Sasuke's eyes widened , he started preparing to catch her with his sharingan on. The girl fell in his arms , their eyes met that's when our girl noticed her soon-to-be boyfriend.

"S-sasuke" the said person gently smiled at the girl in his arms

"We need to go to hokage tower , first" said the boy holding the girl tight in his arms before dashing to hokage tower

With Tsunade-sama

Tsunade was as usual doing her paperwork , ngl she was so happy that her granddaughter is gonna return today , she missed her badly. Her cheerfulness always lighten up Tsunade's whole day , only her presence was enough to make Tsunade's heart lighten up.

These 3 years sure were hard on her and the paperwork made it more worse than it already was...

Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door

"Come in"  Sasuke came in  with a sleeping narumi in his arms

Her eyes widened and she yelled

"NARUMI" she rushed to the girl

"What happened to her"

"Fell from the tallest pole in Konoha"


"Yeah , she fell in my arms"

"What !"

"Yeah , she's just tired from her journey"

Mistakes, regret and... Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now