Family - 2

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The next day, Narumi was woken up by a baby's cry.

"There... There... Little one" said Narumi as she changed the baby's diaper which she'd brought on her way home with some other things.

After some time the baby quitened down.

"Let's feed you" said Narumi as she rested the baby near her husband and left to make the baby formula.

After some time she came back with a bottle.

She placed the baby on her lap, checked the temperature of the milk and placed the top of the bottle in the baby's mouth.

The infant drank it fast.

"Done! Now how about you be near Sasuke while I go and train a lil' bit"

The baby looked at her with a confused face probably not getting what she said. Narumi left the baby near Sasuke and went to the training grounds to train.

After some minutes Sasuke woke up to find a note , telling him that Narumi left for her training. Sasuke looked at kawaki who was sleeping peacefully. He smiled and poked his cheek. Sasuke thought about how he will tell Narumi that they should adopt him. He knew that it'll be a piece of cake.

After some time the girl returned

"Sasuke, I brought groceries and some things for the baby"

"Narumi" the girl turned and walked to him, Sasuke motioned her to sit next to him

"What" the girl asked

"I was thinking about... Sending the baby to a orphanage or give him to someone who wants him"


"Narumi... Y'know we can't keep him with us forever"

"B-but why?"

"What do you mean by 'why?', don't tell me you want to keep him with you"

"I want to..."

"What... Y'know you're 17, right and there's only one way to keep him with you forever"

"Tell me fast"

"You can adopt him"

"Really? I want to!"

"But this won't be easy... "

"Doesn't matter to me"

"You're telling me you want to be his mother, right?"

"Right, please... Sasuke"

He sighed

"If this what you want then why I go ruining your happiness, huh"

"YOU'RE THE BEST!!!" Said the girl as she jumped in his arms that were always open, open only for her...

Sasuke wrapped his arms around her with a smile on his face.

In the afternoon Narumi and kawaki both were sleeping probably tired of all the playing. Sasuke thought of this as a right time and went to the Hokage tower to tell Kakashi about his decision.

Without knocking he went in, as usual nothing new "oi! Kaka-shi, I made my decision we're keeping him"

"Okay, Take a photo of you both with the baby and give to me, I'll see all the documents after sometime the papers will be ready and the child will be officially your and Narumi's son"

"Good, I'll send you and tell me when the documents are ready" with that being said he left the tower for his home, somewhere he belonged.


"Where you were" said Narumi with a cute angry face and puffed cheeks

"You really want to know"


"Okay... Listen here, naru~ I talked with Kakashi about us adopting the baby" said Sasuke as he sat the girl on his lap with his arms wrapped around her petite figure, his head in the crook of her neck.

"Really? What he said"

"He told me to take a picture of us"

"The documents will be ready soon..."


"What should we name him?" Asked Narumi

"Ummm.... How about... Kawaki..."

"I love it, it sounds similar to 'kawaii',isn't it?"

Sasuke Chuckled. He patted her head lovingly and said "it sure does and I'm happy you liked it" The blonde girl blushed under his hand with an innocent smile on her bright face.

Sasuke couldn't help but lean in and give a quick kiss on her soft pink lips. The already blushing girl was now red as the realisation hit her. Sasuke placed his hand on the back of her head and slowly brought her forehead close to his, making her forehead rest on his. Sasuke eyes staring into Narumi's looked like midnight sky was looking at the ocean itself.

It was really a beautiful view...

It looked like those two were meant for each other...

They really were...

Just like moon and Sun...

Those two were meant for each other....

Narumi was ready to die if it means Sasuke's happiness.

Sasuke was ready to kill anyone if it means he can be with the girl of his dreams.

One was ready to die and One was ready to kill for who?

For the sake of eachother...

Is this what love truly is...?

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