The Christmas Night (15k special)

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(Warning! : Read at your own risk, Smut! Cringe! And this is my first time writing smut... So, please cope with me or just skip it.)

Sasuke let his eyes be blessed by the view of his wife's  f cup breasts. his eyes trailed down to her hard yet soft looking pink nipples...
He licked his lips at the heaven in front of him.

His index finger touched her shoulder and trailed down to her upper breast then went down and made a circle the area near her nipple. He made circles close to her nipple and at the end his finger touched the pink bud. He rubbed his finger over it gently... Getting sweet moans of pleasure from the girl under him. Slowly he increased his pace of his finger, rubbing faster and more rough. He did the same thing with her other nipple.

He let his both hands rest on both of her breasts. His hands massaged her breasts. After done with his hand job, he leaned. His rubbed his face between her breasts. Then went to her lips to have a long wet kiss. His kisses trailed down her breasts. He sucked, kissed and bited her whole breast excluding her nipple. As you all know 'saving the best for last' after he coated her breast with his saliva. His lips went to her nipple, his tongue swirled around her nipple which made the blonde jerk her head back in pleasure.

He lightly sucked while the young blonde melted under him from pleasure. He lightly placed a kiss on her nipple then attacked by sucking hard getting a loud moam from his wife. He sucked it until it went red then tortured it more by biting it. The other nipple wasn't left untouched for too long as Sasuke attacked it too and tortured it the same way he did to its twin.

After being pleased by his mouth work on her breasts which had so many hickey and bruises on it, her poor set of nipples were badly swollen from all that sucking.

His kisses trailed down her flat belly then lower then it. His lips soon were met with the fabric of her panties, which he didn't take seconds to yank it out. He kissed the part that was hidden by her panties some Seconds ago. His lips travelled lower to her clit. He grabbed her thighs and spread it out for himself.

His lips went lower to her folds, licking the delicate parts. Slowly he opened her fold to give a lick to the inner area which was really hot for Sasuke's cold tongue. The feeling made a cold shiver run down the blonde's petite figure. Sasuke gave her womanhood multiple licks to match the temperature. Soon after when the temperature reached Sasuke's liking... His tongue searched for something. A loud moan from the blonde told him he was on the right spot.

His tongue went inside her tight as fuck hole. He let it travel some distance then took it out. The blonde groaned at the lack of warmth inside her. Sasuke touched her entrance by his fingers. Then rubbed it in a hard manner getting moans from the blonde as a compliment of his good work.

He angled his finger then slowly pushed it inside the cave located between  her folds. A loud scream echoed through the whole house when Sasuke's finger reached a point. Getting the right spot Sasuke pulled his finger and  went straight inside her hole with two fingers as it happened a scream of pain mixed with pleasure echoed again. When reaching the g - spot  he did the scissors motion making a wave of pain yet pleasure hit the blonde.

After some time, when she got used to with his two fingers inside her. He pulled and went inside with 3 after that then 4. After making sure her clit was big enough for his manhood, he went to her ear and whispered "naru..."


" The next part will be painful... You ready for it?"

"Mmm-hmmm"  she nodded

"Prepare yourself" she nodded again

Sasuke unbuttoned his shirt and unbuckled his pants removing them along with his trunks while the blonde took her time to prepare Herself. "Here I go" Sasuke positioned his member to Narumi's hole Then touched it with it. He slowly went inside... While Narumi panted and breathed hardly as the pain increased. She dugged her own nails in her palms drawing out blood. Sasuke kept kissing her all over trying to distract her from the bad pain she was going to feel now.

With a deep breath, he pushed himself inside her... A deep and loud yet painful scream echoed the big house. Tears slipped from her eyes from the enormous pain she just felt. After waiting 10 to 15 minutes, Narumi said "move" it sounded like a whimper but Sasuke knew it wasn't...

He slowly started going deeper. Narumi yelled this time "fast!" This gave Sasuke a push as he stared moving faster soon reaching that g - spot of hers. On that point the blonde released... With a pleasurable sigh. The warm liquid around his member made his release some of his seeds too...

"Mo.. Ove" the Raven picked up his pace in the second round... His pace and pressure High with the number of rounds...

On the 10th round, he realised the girl under was more then tired so, made it fast and released all of his seeds there. With that he flipped next to her, laying peacefully while the blonde panted heavily. He pulled the blanket on both of them as he didn't wanted any of them to catch a cold. He pulled the panting girl close to him and placed her head in his chest. In some Seconds both of them were fast asleep in each other's arms. Holding the other close to themselves

980 words...

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