A happy ever after?

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"I'm gonna be a what?"  kawaki asked his parents

Narumi chuckled "you heard us, right baby... You're gonna be a big brother soon..."

The raven blonde looked at his father for confirmation to which Sasuke nodded. Filled with delight the boy hugged both of his parents. They both smiled at their 2-year-old son...


Kawaki was super happy the whole day...

Narumi and Sasuke took him to the park like always

"Kawaki-kunn, you look happy today," said Sumire (they both are the same age here)

"Yeah... I do!" Beamed the boy

"Is today something special?" asked the purple-haired girl

"Yes! I'm gonna be a big brother soon"


"Yes, my mama and papa told me"

"Will you let me play with your little sister or brother"

"Yes, you can"

Sasuke watched the two children play...

While Narumi chuckled, Sasuke turned to look at her "why you chuckled?" He asked

"Remember, when we both were kids..."

"Yeah... We use to fight all the time" said Sasuke as Memories came to his mind...

"You were really short back then," said Sasuke...

"Hey! I've grown now"

"Yeah... Yeah... you're barely 5 feet"

"Hmph" the blonde puffed her cheeks

Sasuke just shook his head with a smile on his face. May she stay like this forever and never mature... I remember she was mature when she became Hokage... I don't want her to be Hokage... No! Not this time... I can't afford to lose it all again...

Kakashi is basically immortal or something like that... I mean he doesn't even age so... He can continue being Hokage. Otsutsuki will never come here because of the barrier she created in her past life which will be active till the next 100 years...

I just want this life of mine and hers to be a REAL happy ever after... Which she always dreamed of...

"Earth to Sasuke!" Narumi's voice took him out of his train of thoughts

"What you were thinking?" She asked

"Just some memories of our past"

Narumi looked confused at her husband and tilted her head sometimes I don't get him...

Out of nowhere, Sasuke poked her forehead with his index and middle finger joined and said.  "don't take so much load on your tiny brain"

Narumi rubbed the red spot created by his fingers. "What was that for, 'ttebayo!" Exclaimed the girl rubbing the sore spot

He just smiled and removed her hand from her forehead. He leaned in and kissed the part on her forehead where he poked. She just looked at him with confusion filled in her eyes.

But what Sasuke saw was her looking at him with both love and confusion filled in her eyes, he could see the beautiful blush adorning her fair cheeks. All he was seeing was an angel who he had all by himself...

Sasuke wrapped his arms around her and kept her head in his chest. "I already said this and I'm saying this again... don't take so much load on your tiny brain, I'm afraid it won't be able to handle it and... You should not stress yourself, especially these 9 months..." He said the last part caressing her Belly.

"You're not wrong but..."


"I always wonder when it happened?"

"Happened what"

"I mean... When we did that" said the blonde a blush surrounding her cheeks

"That... well, it probably happened on Christmas"


"Yeah, remember you took your first drink that day and were heavily drunk. I too was not on my mind so, yeah it happened on that day"

"It's strange how I don't remember it..."

"Well, It doesn't matter now. we're happy with the results, ain't we?"

"Yeah... You're right" a smile graced both of their lips

That's when Sasuke noticed it was dark so, he called kawaki back "Kawaki, Time to go!"

"Hai!" The boy came running to his father

The couple held their son's hand from each side and came back to their home. On the way whoever only said this 'what a sweet/ happy/ cute family' Narumi and kawaki both heard this and were happy. Sasuke was happy too but... Didn't show it as usual.

On the halfway kawaki grew tired from all the playing and now walking so, he did what any other child would... He looked at his mother with puppy eyes pleading her to carry him. The blonde chuckled and carried him. The boy happily hugged his mother.

When they reached home, he was already asleep. Narumi smiled at him and tucked him into his bed. After a last glance at him, she left to make dinner. She was a little sad too as Kawaki hadn't eaten dinner yet and if she woke him up now, it will disturb his sleep. Sasuke saw this and asked her " what happened?"

"Kawaki... He didn't eat dinner"

"So, you want to wake him up"

"Yes... But no it will disturb his sleep"

"Don't worry, you wait here I'll be back"

After some time Sasuke was back with taiyaki in his hand. "Taiyaki?" 

"Yup' watch me!" She watched him as he went into Kawaki's room and kept the taiyaki close to his face. In a blink of an eye, the boy opened his eyes and Sasuke smiled my plan worked.

The little boy was confused to see his parents in his room. "Want this?" said Sasuke

"It smells good"

"Complete dinner first then, it's all yours"

"Really! Mom where's dinner?"

"On the dining table"

The boy jumped from his bed and ran to the dining "Ittidakimasu!" Chanted the boy before eating his meal... Narumi watched as her son finished his supper. After finishing he looked at his father as he gave his taiyaki.

"It's good," said the boy as he took a bite

Narumi just watched her son as he finished it with a sigh of contentment and went back to his bed.  "How?"

"It was nothing"

"You surprise me every time Sasuke..." In reply, Sasuke just chuckled as he took her hand and sat with her in front of the dining table.

"Ittidakimasu.." mumbled the raven before eating his food slowly

"U-uh, Ittidakimasu..." She took her chopsticks and started eating

"Your cooking has improved"

"Really... Well, you were the one who taught me so, it was bound to happen..."

"Mmm-hmmm, you learn fast"

"I'll take it as a compliment..." Mumbled the blonde as she stuffed her mouth

I do cook well...

Sasuke mentally chuckled at her... god... How cute she can be? I always ask this question myself but she surprises me every time by being cuter than yesterday...

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