What do you mean? (10k special)

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By how fast it was pounding, It looked like Sasuke's heart will come out of his chest at any moment. Today was the result day after all. He took a deep breath as he walked inside Tsunade's room. The blonde woman was surrounded by papers. Sasuke knocked on the door to let her know that he was there. She looked up.

"Ohh, Sasuke. Come, sit" said Tsunade as she asked the boy to sit in front of him.

"I've read Narumi's reports so many times. I'm sure that there is no fault in them"


"Sasuke... You're more mature than her so, I just found it right to tell you about it first. So, be ready now as the results may surprise you as they did me"

Sasuke took a deep breath and spoke
"I'm really, you can tell me what it is"

What it is? Some kind of disease? An incurable one? Please Don't tell me she's going to die in some days or weeks, I can't afford to lose her again...  These were the only thoughts that were traveling in the Raven's mind


"Ohh God I don't know how to tell you this"  Tsunade fiddled to herself. This was hard for her too.

"Wait, why don't you read the reports yourself and found out what's wrong with her I don't have to tell you this by myself"

"Okay," said Sasuke as he took the papers from Tsunade's hand with his shaking hands

He read those papers




He was going to read them for the 4th time when Tsunade interrupted, "there is nothing wrong with your eyes and I'm telling you this for the second time, there is nothing wrong with the papers"

"So, does this mean..." Sasuke's face was the definition of 'SUPRISED' right now

"Right, gaki. Now, go home, and don't forget to take her here for daily check-ups"

"H-hai, Tsunade-sama," said as he left

"Huh, time flies... Doesn't it?" Said Tsunade as she went back to her work


"Come on, tell me, now" whined the blonde

"No, Tomorrow"

"Why tomorrow? When you can tell me now"

Narumi was trying her best to get Sasuke to tell her about what Tsunade said to her but he was stubborn too.

"Fine! Don't tell me!" Said the blonde as she crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks like a child.

Sasuke just watched her with a smile on his face. This girl...


When Sasuke woke up Narumi was already awake staring at him with dark circles under her eyes.

"Naru... You... You didn't sleep!" Sasuke said worriedly



"Wdym! Why! I was awake the whole night so, I can get my answer from you as soon as you wake up"

Sasuke slapped his hand on his head and sighed
"Oh god... Y'know what I'm not going to tell you at all"

"Heh! Wdym now! Pl-please don't tell me that I'm going to die soon"

"Do you really think that I will be in this condition if you were to die"

Narumi thought about it "I don't think so..."

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