The Crowning- Chapter 1

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It was a somber afternoon in Olympus

The Giant war has finally come to a close, however many demigods met their demise, albeit heroically. As such, it was only fitting to honor them with recognition for everything they had accomplished, as well as bring peace and prosperity to the world.

The bad news however, one of the fallen was Annabeth Chase, an offspring  of the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena. She played an instrumental role in victory of the gods in both wars, the Giant War and Titan War.

The reason for her death? A spear straight to the heart by Enceladus, Athena's millennia old rival. While fighting with her mother, she was separated for a brief moment before meeting a spear straight to the heart.

You could say it was instant, there was nothing even the mightiest of healers, Apollo could do about it.

------Time Skip------(story in Blood Of Olympus remains the same, other than this event)-----Skip to reward ceremony on Olympus

The seven had been honored with generous gifts

Piper became a minor goddess of relationships and deception.

Jason a minor god in lightning, thunder, wind and weather.

Hazel a minor goddess in commodities, fate and justice

Frank a minor god in shapeshifting, animals and Fate

Leo a minor god in innovation, flames, craftsmanship

and finally....


All of Olympus came to a standstill

"As much as I hate to admit it, you saved us once again. Your accomplishments make even the greatest heroes feel envious. As such, you are to be rewarded with the highest honor" Zeus Continued

"What will that be Uncle"- Percy inquired

"Godhood, and I know you declined the offer last time but I will make it sweeter. This time you are given the chance to become a god of the highest honor, an Olympian God"

*Gasps were heard* When was the last time one was offered such a gift.

Percy thought, he didn't have Annabeth holding him back this time. His 7 friends were already immortal, what was there to loose this time.

"I accept, but on one condition"- Percy finally responded after a long pause

"And what is that Nephew"- Zeus responded

"Hades and Hestia must be recognized for their contributions in both wars. Without them and their contributions, we would not be sitting in this pristine throne room talking as we are at this moment" Percy Stated

"I agree, this was long overdue, welcome back brother and sister"-Zeus said as he lifted is hand and two thrones appeared

Hades acknowledged the deed with a nod, Hestia a warm smile

"Now Perseus, it is time for you to become the Fifteenth Olympian, all in favor"- Zeus asked

Everyone nodded

"Oh Fates, grace us with your presence and bestow Perseus the rank of the Fifteenth Olympian"

The fates materialized and looked at Percy

Percy in turn bowed

"Rise Perseus, The Fifteenth Olympian, God of Time, Ice, Poison, Earth, Swordsmanship and Loyalty" The fates decreed

Percy felt a nabbing pain, almost as if someone was boiling his blood while stretching every single limb and muscle in his body.

He subsequently collapsed from the pain

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