Doom- Chapter 23

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As soon as word reached Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter about the brewing war, chaos erupted.

It was expected, two big wars and now another even bigger one with more powerful foes. Both camps were unsettled with the fact that two of the most ancient Primordial were looking to take over the world.  

But once they realized that there was no way to escape this harsh reality, preparation began.

Due to Percy's oath, the Olympians prioritized time with their children, being more active in their children's lives, guiding and claiming more then before.

The gods also oversaw training for both camps, with Bellona, Ares/Mars and Athena providing assistance.

Percy, Artemis and the hunt were tasked with scouting and looking out for unusual activity. They had travelled all across the country gathering intellect. 

Once, while Percy was out catching dinner, he was ambushed by 30 cyclopes and a few dozen hellhounds.

He brushed them off in no time, his expert swordsmanship as well as increased control of powers proving no match for the creatures. 

Percy dragged an injured cyclops back to the hunt, in order to find out some information.

"I don't, I don't know" The cyclops stuttered, his voice pleading in desperation.

"Sure you don't" As a hunter drove  a sharp hunting knife deep into its gut, releasing yet another gut wrenching scream from the cyclops.

This had been going on for hours. Percy was quite disturbed, as much of a hero he was, he was a guy to have pity and kill monster in a blow, but the hunters in his eyes had no souls, and looked to be enjoying this torture, although Percy did understand it was necessary.

"Fine, the person who sent me was Moros, the commander of the army" The cyclops had finally folded and given up, relenting the abuse and torture.

"Who? your making up names at this point aren't you" The hunter said preparing for another slash as the Cyclopes eyes widened.

"Atlanta he speaks the truth, put your weapon down" Artemis said. She had inherited a slight ability to tell the truth, although not as powerful as her brother.

"Who is Moros" The Hunters asked.

"Moros, the primordial spirit of doom, Son of Nyx and brother of the fates. He is the spirit of war and doom, immensely powerful. The Moirae were led by Moros. In order to ensure that this destination of death came true, he wrote the destination and then gave it to the Fates. Even Zeus, according to The Moirae, was unable to question fate or death. Hes immensely powerful, a really bad foe to have against Olympus" Percy informed the hunters, a dark sensation passing through everyone. 

Artemis had known of Moros, although he was thought to be forgotten and faded, but that was not the case. She had to inform Olympus quick.

This was was getting worse by the second.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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