Training-Chapter 3

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Percy was flashed to the throne room and stood in the middle as everyone's gaze directly diverted towards the soon to be 15th Olympian.

He was eyed incredulously by the other 14 Olympians, although it seemed they were at peace with the decision of the former demigod's inauguration, even the ones that despised him to the core.

Apollo, Hermes, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, Hades and Aphrodite looked for reassurance. These were the gods Percy had managed to befriend.Even some of the gods that loathed him had a sense of respect. Athena as evident in the titan war despised the son of Poseidon's guts, but slowly accepted him for his heroic achievements and the loyalty and love he showed to her favorite daughter.

"Perseus, we have called you today to discuss a few things" - Zeus spoke"The domains you were given make you one of the most powerful gods in the council. It is our job to maximize the potential these domains bring you, and utilize them to be an aid in our plans.

But firstly, I will need you to swear an oath on the River Styx that you are to never betray the council" Zeus and everyone else looked at the boy, although everyone knew the answer. His fatal flaw was loyalty after all.

"I swear on the River Styx to never betray the council" Percy spoke with utmost confidence as thunder boomed in the sky, sealing the promise.

"Good, Now let's begin shall we" Zeus Asked

Everyone nodded

"So it comes to my attention that it will take Perseus 5 months to fully become an Olympian god, but during that time I still want him to be trained in combat arts as well as weapons training, he should also be taught how to meditate and become one with his domains. For that, I am assigning Apollo, Ares and Poseidon to conduct his training." Zeus spoke

Ares wasn't a big fan of it, but he also did respect the skills Percy had shown in battle"

"My Palace, sunrise sharp," He told Percy before flashing off

Percy Groaned, it's not even been a day and he's already starting to hate it here. The Hero of Olympus could not catch a break.

"Good Luck son, you will need it" Poseidon laughed before flashing away.Percy decided to go back to his father's palace which he used to live in until his palace was finished being built

He woke up the next morning and commenced his morning training with Ares. he taught him many different things, such as battle strategies, analyzing opponents, using a variety of different weapons etc. Over time, Percy became skilled in many things he rarely ever used, such as daggers spears etc. He had to admit Ares was a very good teacher and he absorbed a lot under his tutelage. Ares respected the hard work he displayed as well as his ability to learn very quickly.

Under Poseidon, Percy learned to control tides and regulate his emotions. He furthered his understanding in the domain of tides, understanding how to utilize them effectively. He trained in Atlantis and befriended his half brother Triton. He did once hate him, but they formed a close bond being around each other so much. They spared and trained heavily, and Triton helped him in his training, as well as further developing his power over water.

Apollo helped him with archery, although his first few attempts were horrendous. He had constant moments where the arrow missed the target by miles, sometimes even going backwards and damaging something. His stance was so awful he would fall over while shooting.

Apollo had a great time making fun of his cousin, it was pure entertainment just watching him. 

Percy however relented, failure made him motivated.

After a few months he hit the bullseye, it took a lot of handworks to get to that point. He slowly started to get better, hitting the target way more often.

This impressed Apollo, who thought a few months ago the situation was hopeless, but he now saw his cousin as a half-decent archer.

" Good job cuz, gotta  admit this was a crazy improvement, remember when u accidentally hit a Nymph on the other side of Olympus" Apollo laughed

"Thank god I'm done with this, sons of Poseidon were never meant to hold bows anyway.

"Oh your not going anywhere, we're just getting started" Apollo laughed

Percy Groaned

And so the routine with the 3 gods continued for the next few months. Artemis would also stop by sometimes with Apollo and give a few pointers. She was also impressed with the progress of Perseus but also kept an eye on Apollo and if he wasn't corrupting the man Artemis thought as "half-decent."

Eventually, the time came when Perseus was set to go through his final transformation and become a god. He felt much more powerful over the past few months, and with the help of the gods assigned to him, he learned how to control the domains he was bestowed, albeit partially since he was still technically a demigod.

Perseus felt stronger through the process, his combat skills were unmatched and he quickly became the most feared fighter on Olympus. His swordsmanship was already well respected, but he became much quicker, agile and athletic through the training he received. His technique was close to flawless, with no weaknesses being seen to the naked eye, although he was determined to become even more powerful than he already was.

Percy stood in the middle as the gods looked at him expectantly.

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