A Change In The Mind-Chapter 16

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Percy had enough of Artemis, and simply left his tent and the campsite all together.

He trekked through the forest trying to avoid everything. If he went to his palace, one of the gods would find him and probably send him back to Artemis, so he decided to be on the move, so she could not find him.

He knew he was to marry her soon, and as much as he hated her right now, he had to accept she was his wife to be.

Normally anyone would die to have a wife as gorgeous as Artemis, it was well known her looks rivaled that of Aphorodite, and considering she never really payed much attention to her appearance, it was all the more impressive.

He found a small cave in the middle of nowhere, where he decided to reside in for the time being. There was a lake nearby, and it was covered all around with thick, long trees. It was also quite far away from the campsite since Percy had been travelling for a while now, so he was confident Artemis would not find him. He wanted to meet Artemis on his own merit. 

His side still ached from that whip he sustained from Kampe, but Apollo in limited time had done a wonderful job to almost completely subside the pain. 

Percy looked at the sky, Artemis would no doubt find him soon, so he wanted to cherish the time he had until he had to confront her. He knew deep down Artemis's actions were unintentional and she was mistaken, but another part of Percy was angered how her fiancée so quickly believed he would do something so vile and evil.

He was divided, but he decided to not give these thoughts too much importance, and just meditate. 

Artemis had decided to flash her hunters to Camp Half Blood, where she knew her hunters would be safe.

This was met with groans, and disapproval, as her hunters never liked Camp Half Blood. Artemis did not either, but after last nights surprise attack, she could not leave her hunters unsupervised. If it was not for Perseus , who knows what would have happened.

She had decided to track her fiancée down, by herself and apologize to him. He would turn her away for sure, but Artemis was stubborn, and would not take no for an answer.

She used her domain, hunting to hunt down Percy. She zeroed in on her sense to find where her fiancee was hiding.

She closed her eyes and let her domain connect with her, she then felt a presence on a random cave 50 km from where she was standing.

Before she flashed and confronted the son of Poseidon, something stopped her.

"Artemis let me handle this"

"No Diana, I made the mistake, I need to make amends"

"Artemis, you have screwed up enough, I think its time you take a break, plus we are the same person, just different personalities. He probably does not want to see you, so let me fix your mistakes"

"Fine" Artemis sighed as she let her Roman form overcome her. 

Her appearance shifted slighly, her piercing silver eyes were more calculating, her height increased a tad, and her personality also changed quite a bit. 

Although she was more stern in her Roman form, she was also more understanding and had a greater control over her emotions, making her better suited for the situation.

She flashed to the location of her fiancee, and used her stealth to hide herself in a bush and observe her surroundings. She walked towards the cave, and slowly made her way in..

Percy heard someone coming in, he expected it to be Artemis, but when he looked closely, it wasnt Artemis, although the figure looked different, the main features were there.

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