Preparation For A War Like No Other- Chapter 22

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Percy awoke in a jolt, sweating profusely. This dream brought him back into his demigod days, when he used to have nightmares similar to this on a daily basis.

He quietly woke up from his bed, doing his best not to disturb Artemis.

He walked to a clearing, one of his favorite spots he had found in a camp. A branch staring directly into a beautiful lake. He sat down and marveled at the scenery for a few seconds before his mind raced back to what happened.

If the dream was true, which it was but Percy was somewhat in denial, then it could mean a very uphill task for the Olympians this time around. Not one, but two primordial were looking to wage war on Olympus, Nyx and Erebus were considered some of the most evil and ruthless protogenoi alive, so it is was evident they would bring hell to Olympus.

It was evident this would be the worst war Olympus would see, Percy could sense that both of their powers were unmatched, something he had not felt before, even being around Gaea and Kronos, the only thing that rivaled it was the presence of Tartarus, and even then he was not in his true form.

"Perseus what are you doing at this time" Artemis said groggily.

"Oh uh Milady, nothing" He stammered

"Perseus, number 1, cut the milady crap, and number 2 I am the sister of the god of truths, so I can tell when you lying, and even if I wasn't I could still tell because you a terrible liar" She said.

"Artemis, I assure you it is nothing" Percy said

He was met with a slap.

"Ok fine, if you really want to know, I had a really bad dream".

She motioned him to continue.

So he explained everything he saw from the dream. Artemis expression changed from curiosity to worry quickly as he mentioned Nyx and Erebus, the mere mention of their names made the place darker.

Artemis had known of Nyx and Erebus, even her father Zeus, the almighty and feareless King of the Gods never dared mess with them, they were some of the first creatures to spring out of Chaos.

"I think we should inform the council of this" Artemis said after a moment of silence.

"I agree, but at this time? The sun has not even risen".

"Dont worry, this threat is way too grave" Artemis said in a convincing tone as she grabbed my wrist rather tightly and forcefully and teleported us to the glamorous throne room of Olympus.

Artemis shot an arrow as lightning materialized and all the gods materialized.

"Daughter, what is of such importance that you call a meeting at this time" Zeus said groggily and a bit ticked off.

"Perseus can explain" as she handed the attention to me.

"Well looks like we have another war coming as N-

The throne room went into uproar as soon as the word war escaped Percy's mouth. The titans, the giants, Poseidon and Zeus's quarrel and now this, the council was right to be shocked at yet another problem on their hands.

"SILENCE" Zeus boomed as he slammed his bolt on the throne room floor as the bickering quietly subsided.

"Nyx and Erebus are rising" Percy finished his previously cut off sentence.

The lighting seemed to dim a little as those words were spoken. Some of the olympians were shocked with the news, however Zeus remained stoich faced, trying hard to be the pwerful king he portrayed himself to be, yet he was also worried.

Nyx and Erebus had birthed some of the most ferocious monsters Olympus had faced, and now since the two themselves were going to fight..well Olympus was in some big trouble it seemed.

"Perseus, what evidence do you have that this is actually true" Athena said

"You dare question my son feather head" Poseidon asked, to which he was met with a death glare by Athena had a miffled chuckle by the rest of the gods, Hades gave him a pat on the back as if to say good one.

"Athena I had a dream similar to the demigod dreams I used to have" he explained the whole dream to the council, not sparing any detail.

Athena had realized Percy was telling the truth, her calculating grey eyes trying to sense lies in Percy's statement were left fruitless.

"Well from what we know so far this is Olympus's biggest and toughest war to date, never have we fought two of the eldest primordials, so that means the training this time will be much more gruelling then before, and that doesn't include only the demigods, ot includes us as well. I have seen some of you enjoying your luxury too much" Zeus said while giving a pointed look at Ares and Apollo.

"So from today, everyone will have a strict training schedule as well. Any signs of weird activity will be reported to the council. Athena I want you to start assessing our best chance of victory, Hapheastus I want you to start forging weapons that could be proved useful in the war. Artemis and Perseus I want you to travel around looking for clues" Zeus said

"Council dismissed" as everyone flashed out preparing for yet another war.

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