Obediance - Chapter 17

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Once Percy greeted the Hunt and was reprimanded by several of them, it was time to let him know of his new arrangements.

"Perseus, now that you are back, I do not want you running away from me, and for that reason you will remain under my watch at all time."

"WHAT, hold on that's not fair" He said while the hunters behind him tried to control their laughter.

"you heard me Perseus, remember you haven't completely mastered your powers yet so you are still in the transition phase of becoming a god, meaning you can still easily be beaten by powerful enough monsters"


"Fine, if you do not want this then swear on the Styx u will never run away from camp"

Percy paled, he was stuck in a crossroad, he couldn't swear a treaty to the Styx

Artemis looked expectingly, however Percy sighed and gave in. Artemis smirked in victory.

As he followed Artemis, he started to walk to his own tent, however Artemis grasped his hand,

"Where do you think you are going" Artemis asked

"To my tent" Percy replied raising an eyebrow

"Perseus, remember I said you would be on my watch 24/7, that means at night too. You are sleeping in my tent" Artemis said to which Percy's eyes bulged out of his sockets.

"WHAT, Artemis come on this is so cruel, can I not even sleep by myself now" Percy asked

"Nope, you cannot"

Percy followed her into the tent, it was 10 times bigger than any tent he had seen so far, There were two beds, one beside the other. It was like a luxurious bedroom in a mansion, Olympian magic never failed to amaze Percy.

Artemis noticed his surprised expression and laughed "Isnt it beautiful, it looks like a tent from the outside but is so luxurious from the inside"

Percy nodded still amazed.

"Anyways you will sleep on this small bed while I will sleep on this big bed"

"Artemis are you sure this is necessary"

"Percy I wanted to chain you to the top of my tent and but Diana was a little bit more merciful and gave me this idea"

Percy paled and did not argue with her for the rest of the night.

As soon as his head hit the pillow Percy fell into a deep slumber, presumably exhausted from the day's events.

Artemis first watched him sleep. She stared at him, marvelling his features before deciding to fall asleep herself.

Artemis, strict with her routine woke up as soon as the sun first started to peak

Percy was still asleep, although when she nudged him, he woke up immediately.

"What happened"

"Nothing, time to wake up"

He checked his watch " Artemis it is literally 5:30, who wakes up this early"

"You better get used to this if your gonna marry me, I wake up right with the sun"

"Well you do you, wake me up at 10" he said as he rolled back trying to fall asleep.

"Oh no Perseus, if I am awake you are as well, this is the life of a hunter"

"I hate you"

Artemis chuckled " You look peeaceful when you sleep before she went to get  ready"

Percy was dumbfounded with the comment, but he did not have time to ponder it as he wanted to get out of Arremis's tent as quickly as possible.

One perk about being a god is the fact you did not have to care about personal hygiene at all, you always looked good no matter what, so a bathroom really had no use unless u wanted to use a shower to relax.

Percy stepped outside and admired the view. Apollo had just finished riding his charriot and noticed him.
He flashed to him with a grin.

"Sup cuz, how my sister treating ya"

"Not good, I wanted to sleep and she forced me to wake up for gods know what reason" He said in a chuckle

"Sound about my sis to me" He said

"What are you doing here Apollo" Artemis inquired

"Jheez lil sis, had to check up on my favorite cousin"

"first of all I am older than you, second of all you better not be feeding him the wrong information"

"As you can see Percy, she is extra protective of you, anyway see ya guys" He said before he winked and flashed out.

Artemis blushed as Apollo said this, but quickly regained her composure. 

"Anyways Perseus, today marks only 4 months from our wedding, so I want to let my maternal side of the family know about this, so I have decided we will both go to Delos, where my mother Leto and other fellow titanesses reside and ask for their blessings" Artemis said looking excited to finally see her mom and aunts.

Perseus nodded, also wanting to see his grandmother Rhea as well as Artemis's maternal side. Word did get around that Percy tried to free the peaceful titans, so he hoped they had a good impression of him.  

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