Godhood Chapter 4

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The fates ascended one more time

Perseus, the process of you turning into a god are complete. Your powers seem to have doubled from the last time we met,  it is now we bestow you the rank of the Fifteenth Olympian.

They chanted in Greek as Percy seemed to glow a bright golden.

Once the process was over, out stood Perseus

His sea green eyes had flecks of gold and purple, signifying his control over time and poison. He grew an extra few inches to about 6'8. He had a more noticeable tan, and his build seemed more athletic with his muscles were much more defined. His hair was more wavy and curly, as well as more defined, and his jawline became increasingly sharp. 

His aura was strong, equivalent to or perhaps even more than the big three.

He wore a black cloak with a black robe, his presence was menacing. 

"Now Perseus, you have the choice, what will your Animal be" The fates asked

"It will be a Pegasus, representing my trusted pet Blackjack, as well as a lion, representing the Nermean lion I  was able to slay. My weapon of choice will be a my sword riptide" Percy Responded

"Very Well". The fates chanted before Percy could feel the power growing in riptide. 

"Riptide can change into any weapon you desire, it also has the ability  to summon power from any one of your domains. It is now made with a mixture of some of the most prized metals available, such as Celestial Bronze, Stygian Iron as well as Adamantine (the metal the hero Perseus used to kill Medusa). 

A throne appeared from the ground, fitting the domains and interests of Percy. It represented the earth, waves, time, poison, swordsmanship as well as loyalty.  Hephaestus had done a wonderful job crafting the throne, Percy gave a look of approval to the god of forgery, as he nodded his head, as if to say "my pleasure".

The Fates vanished as Perseus stood in the middle of the throne room. The gods looked in awe of how powerful Perseus had become. Poseidon was the first to jump out of his throne and give his son a big hug, telling him how proud he was of his son.

Hestia, who has  acted as his godly mother during his time in Olympus proceeded to do the same, enveloping him in a warm hug.

The other Olympians congratulated him. Ares although still bitter about the defeat he received by the hands of Perseus, was still happy with his pupil but did threaten him before leaving

"Im glad I can beat you up for the rest of eternity punk" Before leaving.

Apollo and Hermes enveloped him in a hug

"Oh man were boutta have an amazing time with Percy, his looks are definitely gonna woo a lot of ladies" He smirked before being met with a slap by Artemis.

Now back to business, Perseus, assume your godly height and sit on your throne" Zeus asked

Percy assumed godly height and sat on his new throne, sandwiched right beside Hermes and Apollo. 

Immediately, he felt a surge of power, while also feeling more connected to his domains. 

"Now we need to hold a feast here on Olympus to inaugurate our new Olympian, it will also act as an announcement" Zeus Spoke

"Let the Party Begin" Apollo shouted

Everyone flashed away to prepare, while Hermes was tasked with delivering the news to all the campers to reach Mount Olympus.

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