Homecoming- Chapter 18

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Artemis wore a white robe, and letting her long curly hair free. Percy decided to wear his black vest with a rob on top. 

Delos was an enchanted island hidden away, so Artemis and Percy could not just flash there, they instead had to walk, and it was a very long walk.

Artemis did not mind as this was her bread and butter, but Percy was still coming into his own as a god, you do not maximize your potential until a year has passed, and currently it had been about 8 months.

They both eventually decided to camp out the night, with a long journey ahead of him tomorrow.

Through Hestia's blessing, they both had a nice meal.

As they both got bored, Percy decided to quench the social awkwardness, and get to know Artemis a bit better.

"You never told me about this island, I heard you were born here..?" Percy asked

"Yes, Apollo and I were born here since Hera did not allow my mom Leto to birth anywhere else, being enraged my father was unfaithful to her"

Percy continued to listen as he was told about how she became an Olympian, how the hunt was formed, all the conflicts the Olympians had to endure and so on.

I also wanted to know about you Perseus, your whole journey to becoming an Olympian god.

Percy explained to her about his abusive stepfather Smelly Gabe, Mrs.Dodds, the missing helm and master bolt, and the sea of monsters and when he finally got to saving Artemis, she chuckled

"I remember that vividly like it was yesterday, when you took the sky from me and we put Atlas back under it, you fought bravely, before that I only heard about you from Olympians and never really believed the potential they spoke of, but seeing you battle against him made me realize how powerful you really were" Artemis said

"It was hardly me, Zoe fought so bravely too, it still haunts me how I let her die like that" He said as he looked down

"Percy, it was not your fault, I'm not sure why you blame all the deaths of your friends on you, everyone was destined by the fates, no one can change what they decree. All of them died honorable deaths and went straight to Elysium where they will live happily for the rest of their lives, free of any worry" Artemis said in a reassuring tone.

Percy continued, telling her about how is memory was wiped, how he regained it, the adventures of the Argo 2 and the subsequent battle of the Giants.

Artemis was visibly impressed with all of Percy's accomplishments, talking to him also made her realize how lucky she was to have him.

As Artemis and Percy talked some more, Artemis started to snore softly, visibly tired from the day's events.

Percy softly carried her into the tent that they had set up, and tucked her in, before hitting his head on the bed right beside and falling asleep.

Artemis woke up the next morning confused, she remembered falling asleep outside, but somehow she was tucked in her tent..?

She glanced over and found the answer to her question.

Since Percy went out of his way, Artemis had to repay the favor by cooking breakfast.

Percy woke up to a delicious smell, it was 7:00 which was weird since Artemis normally woke him up earlier than that.

"Morning Perseus" She said in a warm tone

"Morning Artemis, how'd u sleep?" He asked groggily

"Good, I noticed someone tucked me in" She asked with a raised eyebrow

Percy slightly blushed "I couldn't just leave you out here"

Artemis laughed "Im joking Perseus, it was very kind of you, and since I had to repay the favour, I made breakfest" She said as she handed him a plate.

Percy had to admit it was delicious, he never knew Artemis could cook.

"Wow this is amazing" he said between mouthfuls.

Artemis laughed at his childish nature.

After breakfast, they continued to walk to Delos.

After what seemed like an eternity, they reached the deserted island. The spirits and nymphs quickly recognized her and ushered her in.

Artemis was awe struck, it had been a while since she returned home.

Percy too was amazed with the beauty and peacefulness of the island, it reminded him of a scenic destination that was used to advertise for villas and resorts.

"Amazing huh" Artemis said noticing his shocked expression.

As she said this, a figure emerged, she had long golden hair that zigzagged down her back. Her skin glowed against her white sundress. Percy had no idea who she was, but Artemis embraced her in a tight hug.

"I missed you mother" She said overwhelmed with joy

"I missed you to my dear child, we have a lot of catching up to do"  She said

She looked at Percy "And who have u brought here she said gesturing to Percy" 

I will explain soon enough mother.

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