The Revelation- Chapter 11

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Artemis flashed out of Olympus as quick as she could, and rejoined her hunters, camping somewhere in the middle of Arizona.

It was the middle of the night, so she expected her hunters to be asleep, part of being in the hunt was a strict discipline invoked by Artemis, waking up at 6am sharp.

She sat on an empty log and thought about what had happened. She cried profusely, not being able to hold her emotions in, she was forced to against everything she lived and believed in.

"Milady are you okay" her lieutant, Thalia asked

Artemis was shocked, her hunters were supposed to be asleep.

"Thalia what are you doing awake so late" 

"Well, I was sleeping, but I woke up to drink some water and heard someone crying so I went to check it out" She responded

"That doesn't matter though, what happened, why are you crying in the middle of the night" Thalia asked

Artemis sighed

"Well you probably know the war father was apart of, and to end it Hera proposed a treaty"

"Is that not a good thing..." Thalia said raising an eyebrow

"The treaty involved me marrying a son of Poseidon to end the war" Artemis revealed to which Thalia stood there mouth agape.

"WHAT, did the council not protest" Thalia replied still shocked

"They all were sick of the war, as much as I hate what happened to me it was for the better, Poseidon and father were going to destroy the whole world if given a few more years" Artemis replied

"So who did you choose Milady" Thalia asked

"I was given the choice of Triton and Perseus, but I chose your friend Perseus" Artemis revealed

"As much as I hate what's happened to you Milady, Percy is by far the best male you could ask for, I know he will treat you well and never break your heart" Thalia added in a reassuring tone

"As much as I hate everything that happened today, I can live with the outcome of living with Perseus as compared to anyone, I have seen his loyalty and kindness first hand, no male has ever been able to befriend Zoe in the 3 thousand years that I have known her" Artemis responded

Thalia nodded before adding "but how will this change everything, will the hunters be disbanded?"

"I'm not sure Thalia, I will have to question Athena on this"

Artemis and Thalia called it a night, bracing for how the others would react to the news.

Artemis had decided to break the news at breakfast the next morning.

"Hunters, I have terrible news to break to you" Artemis said

She revealed what transpired on Olympus

"How can this happen, who did this to you" Phoebe asked, seething in rage. She was one of Artemis's oldest hunters and one of her most loyal.

"As much as I hate to say it, there's nothing that could have been done, the war had to come to an end, and Zeus had to pay for his crimes, the only way he could was by marrying either Athena or I, and it ended up being me" Artemis said.

"But Milady, what does this mean for the hunt" Atlanta, another hunter that has been alongside Artemis asked.

"It means nothing, male or not we will be alongside milady" Phoebe said as all the hunters gathered in for a group hug.

Artemis was glad to get the news off her chest, she felt much better.

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