Announcement- Chapter 5

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One by one, demigods from Camp Half Blood arrived on Mount Olympus. It was a glamourous setting, Apollo and Hermes had done a magnificent job in decorating the castle. It looked lavish as well as modern, what you would picture a high scale party to be.

Hestia had prepared the food, and even without trying it, one could tell it was delectable and delicious. Demeter had helped as well, and oh my gods I have never seen bigger Strawberries in my life. 

One by one the demigods entered Mount Olympus in anticipation. As everyone arrived the Olympians assumed godly heights and reached their thrones. 

Zeus cleared his throat

"Welcome Demigods to a very special occasion. Today we are to announce a new individual that has been inaugurated into the Olympian council. You may all be familiar with him. He has fought two wars, and has accomplished a lot for Olympus. Please help us in welcoming the 15th Olympian


Percy appeared in his godly form, even his closest friends did not recognize him, his godly transformation made him look much more...godly.

The campers immediately bowed in unison.

Percy chuckled "Rise fellow demigods, no need for the formalities" he spoke in a kind tone

Some of the campers were left astonished, mostly some of the older campers, who knew Percy personally. Not that they were not expecting it from the greatest hero in recent history, and possibly of all time, but it was still shocking to see someone of their own, who they shared many adventures with, become someone they served and idolized.

Once the announcement were done, some of Percy's closest friends came to congratulate him.

The seven, now 6, including Leo, Frank, Hazel, Piper and Jason were elated to see their friend be so recognized. Percy was glad to see what he considered his second family be there for him on one of his biggest days. After all, they did travel practically the whole world together on a flying ship.

Jason gave Percy a bear hug. The two demigods started on shaky terms, people expecting them to be envious of each other as they were sons of the big three and leaders/heroes of rival camps, but they both formed a close bond, and considered each other brothers. Him and Piper had moved into New Rome together and attended college, but were both asked by Percy himself to make a special visit today, the same with Frank and Hazel.

Leo had been travelling the world with Calypso, but he too had to make an appearance.

Nico, who Percy had developed a close bond with also showed up. Alongside the seven, he too was appointed minor god of Justice, darkness, punishment and Prince of the Underworld, so he presumably spent a lot of time in his dads domain.

He too beamed at the achievements of one of his closest friends. He was forever indebted to the kindness Percy showed to him even in times he felt like an outcast, and took on the role of the bigger brother he never had. 

Some of his other closest friends also attended, such as Katie from the Demeter cabin, Will Solace from the Apollo cabin, Malcolm from the Athena cabin and Clarisse from the Ares Cabin, they all took turns congratulating the former demigod who they had fought two wars with, as well as develop a close friendship with.

"Congrats Prissy, you deserve it, I still hate your guts though" She said in a tough voice, yet could make out the genuine happiness she had for him, that basically summed up their friendship

"Thanks Clarisse, don't think I'm going to go easy on you though the next time we spar, its still on sight" Percy said, they both laughed.

Percy enjoyed the night, or HIS night. He sat and watched as everyone partied, until someone sat beside him

"How does it feel, finally being granted the highest honour" Jason asked

"Feels good I wont lie, but with great power comes great responsibility, I feel as though theres so much of a burden on me, so many more eyeballs fixated on what I'm going to do." Percy replied honestly

"We have been in this position before though, you leading Camp Half Blood to victory against Kronos, while I led the twelfth legion against Krios. I bet a lot of responsibility and fate was placed on both our shoulders, but we both succeeded big time" Jason replied reassuringly

"I do know one person would be very proud of who you have become today Percy, you really did honor her legacy" Jason continued

Percy smiled, Jason's words did help reassure his nerves on what would be a millenia full of many twists and turns, many setbacks, many failures, many outcomes he would hate.

But he was Percy Jackson, slayer of Gaea, slayer of Kronos, the demigod who held up the sky, who travelled Tartarus and defeated some of the most feared titans and giants in history

Whatever the fates threw at him in his journey, he was ready.

He was never the running type.

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