The Painful Truth- Chapter 10

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Hera smirked at the genius plan she had created, Perseus and Artemis were forced to marry against their will, the goddess of marriage had killed two bird with one stone.

Perseus was slumped against his throne, not being able to believe his luck, Artemis was in a similar position too, however she did not have to marry Triton, so there was a small victory.

To Artemis, Percy was perhaps the only male to earn her respect, no male had managed to befriend her trusted lieutant Zoe Nightshade of 3 thousand years. He also selflessly defended Olympus twice, and remained loyal to his girlfriend Annabeth Chase, until she passed.

However he is still a male, and Artemis could not get over it.

Zeus took the time to swallow his pride

"Brother, as much as I have hated what has happened today, it is time to settle our difference. What we both have learned is that we both are very powerful, and are both needed on this council. War is not necessary, and only brings harm" Zeus spoke in a genuine tone, offering his hand to his older brother.

Poseidon was moved by his brothers words, and shook his hand "I agree, lets all try to be a happy family" 

"I also wanted to thank Percy for being apart of all this, if there is anyone I can trust being around my little sister, it is you Percy. I have a great deal of respect for you, and it has only increased, I know you will treat my sister well" Apollo said in a friendly tone.

Percy did not expect this, but he nodded.

"Can I leave now" He asked

"Not yet, we have to put the rings on each others fingers, your engagement will happen here" Hera and Aphrodite both spoke.

Percy groaned, will this ever stop

"Woah, I think we are moving way to fast here, can we wait a little bit"

"No Perseus, your wedding will happen in exactly 1 year from now" Aphrodite revealed

Percy and Artemis just stood there shocked, the news had not even seeped in properly and there wedding was already set one year from now.

Hephaestus presented Hera with two beautiful looking rings. They both were identical, silver rings with the tides and the Moon intertwined. Both were asked to slip the ring on to their ring finger.

Percy started first, slipping the first ring on too Artemis right ring finger. He didn't dare look up, and just stared at the ground. 

Artemis did the same as well, slipping the ringer onto his right finger, Percy made the mistake of looking up. He was met with a glare that could kill perhaps an Olympian.

He really wished that glare killed him, anything to get out of this situation.

The engagement was sealed, Percy's ring finger lost circulation with how tightly the ring fit. Hephaestus probably made it so he could not take it off the first second he got.

"This has to be the best looking couple on Olympus" Aphrodite said, to which Percy and Artemis shot her glares, not in the mood for her antics.

Percy had enough, and flashed to his palace, feeling tired from the events today.

War was ended, but at what cost?

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